Chapter 35

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Jungkook was watching Sun-Hee sleep when her eyes fluttered open. She had a confused and frightened look on her face. But then she saw Jungkook and made a little smile, sighed and relaxed. He was glad that was her reaction to seeing him. "Can you eat something? Jin brought you food. I think it might still be warm." Sun-Hee nodded.

He sat her up and handed her the water first. She guzzled at least half a bottle down. When she spoke her voice still sounded a bit weak. "Ugh, whatever they gave me to drink was so awful. I'm glad to get some water." Jungkook winced at the reference. He wasn't sure how much she remembered of what happened. The fact that he hadn't been there to protect her from those predators made him sick to his stomach.

Sun-Hee ate all the soup, but wasn't feeling up to the rice and meat so Jungkook ate that. They kept their legs touching while they ate so they didn't break the bond.

They each used the restroom to get ready for bed. Once they were back in bed and they started bonding again, Sun-Hee had questions. "How did you find where I was?"

Jungkook brushed her hair out of her face and rested his hand on the side of her neck. He stroked his thumb over her cheek as he spoke. "You called to me. Once I got my brain to quiet down and listen, there you were. You told me that you needed me to come save you. And I followed the sound to the apartment. I didn't know we could do that." He smiled.

"And did they..." She sighed, "How far did... I don't really remember much between calling you and you kissing me." She was pretty sure she hadn't been raped because she wasn't sore. But she wondered what condition she was in when the men had gotten there. She had no memory of the rescue.

Jungkook pulled her to him in the tightest hug he had ever given her. "No, they didn't touch you at all. We got there before anything happened. You had all your clothes on. I promise. Oh, sweetheart, when I think about what would have happened if we had been 10 minutes later." Tears streamed down his cheeks.

Relief washed over Sun-Hee. She was glad to hear she had been fully dressed when the boys got to her and that those pricks hadn't been successful.

Jungkook still had her in the tight hug and she felt his chest heave a bit and knew he was crying. "Hey," she rubbed his back comforting him. "You got there in time, nothing happened. No need to dwell on it now. I'm just sorry that I ran off without thinking. It is my fault, it was a stupid thing to do. When I realized I didn't have my cell phone and I didn't know where I was I got really worried. The running zapped all the energy I had left and I could barely move or talk. It was a stupid thing to do. I'll be more careful in the future."

Jungkook's arms loosened a bit and he looked down at her. "I'm sorry Tae's words hurt you so bad. But I'm glad you won't do that again. You need to come to me when you are sad or hurt." Sun-Hee nodded. "Every time. Promise?"

Sun-Hee nodded again. "Yes."

Other memories came back to her then. Her eyes opened wide and she looked at him with wonder. "You told me that you wanted me, that you loved me from the beginning. And you kissed me." She touched her lips with the memory.

He rubbed her cheek, "Yes, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. If I would have been honest about my feelings towards you, I think we could have avoided this whole night. I loved you from the first moment I set eyes on you. And since becoming soulmates, I have thought repeatedly that I am the luckiest guy in the world. And when I wasn't sure you were going to live, I thought I would die of a broken heart."

"I feel the same way. I loved you from the first moment I met you. I was never interested in any one else romantically after meeting you. Every time I saw you I had to hold myself back from crawling in your lap and kissing you." She giggled a little. "I remember at your concert seeing you back stage. I almost climbed into your lap but stopped myself and kneeled on the ground in front of you." His eyes opened wide at this revelation. "And once we became soulmates I couldn't believe my luck that I got the best man in the world for my soulmate." She smiled up at him.

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