Chapter 57

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The boys were practicing their dance for Fake Love. It wasn't easy because Namjoon was home with Sun-Hee. Someone had been gone from practice all week and trying to get the dance right was difficult with someone always missing. Not that they minded. They would much prefer that Sun-Hee had someone with her instead of practicing together.

Jungkook had been doing fine in practice but for the last half hour or so he had not been feeling well. He finally went to sit down, which was not like him. He usually pushed through the pain.

Manager Sejin came into the dance practice room looked around and walked over to where Jungkook was sitting. He sat down next to him and talked for a moment. All the boys saw Jungkook's hands come to his face as he sank to his knees off the chair and curled in to a ball with his forehead on the floor.

All the boys rushed to him. Jimin was there first with his arms around Jungkook rubbing his back. They looked to Manager Sejin for an explanation.

"Sorry to give you such bad news. Sun-Hee's been arrested. She has a warrant from the US. They are flying her back to the US tomorrow. She is in jail right now. Namjoon and Dal are on their way to the jail now. We are trying to get ahold of our lawyer to meet us there." Then Sejin kneeled down to Jungkook. "Jungkook can you get up and come with us."

Jungkook nodded and stood up but his tear stained face looked dazed. His mind was a blur of activity. He couldn't focus on any one thing with hundreds of thoughts going through his head at every moment. He now knew why he wasn't feeling well during practice. It was because Sun-Hee was in trouble.


When they entered the police station Namjoon ran to Jungkook and gave him a fierce hug. Namjoon was trying not to blame himself for letting Sun-Hee get arrested, he knew there was nothing he could have done to stop it. But he still felt like it happened on his watch and as the group's leader he felt he had let Jungkook down. 

Most of the boys found chairs to sit in while they waited but Jungkook was pacing back and forth, unable to contain his nervous energy. Namjoon had moved to a corner of the waiting room and was alternating between standing and hopping up and down. Tae had been glommed on to someone since he had heard the news. It was Hobi in the car but now it was Jimin. 

Yoongi and Jin had the same expression on their faces, as their minds were trying to process what was happening. They were serious, a little scared, and a little sick over the whole thing. It didn't help that Jungkook had practically chanted the whole car ride "It's going to be okay." They had tried talking to him to calm him down but he just kept going. It had worried them all.

The police station was chaotic. Apart from the regular activities that were going on, now there were ten extra people in the waiting room for Sun-Hee: Dal, Sejin, all the BTS members plus lawyer Min Sung. The lawyer had approached the counter and had been talking to the clerk for what seemed like way too long.

The lawyer finally came back to give his report. "She is still being processed. As soon as she is settled they will let me go back to talk to her. I should be able to get Jungkook back also because he is her soulmate. Let's hope they are reasonable about that. I can usually bring back one legal assistant to 'help' me. Who do we think should play that part?"

All the boys wanted to see Sun-Hee but they didn't think they should each go when the others couldn't. Jimin spoke up, "Are you sure we can't all go see her?"

Lawyer Min smiled nicely at Jimin. He had worked for Big Hit for several years and even though he didn't interact with the group members much, he knew how great they were. His legal dealings had mostly been defamation lawsuits and legal contracts. He had almost never had to get them out of difficulties they had made for themselves. "I'm sorry, that just isn't the way this works."

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