Chapter 30

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Jungkook awoke with a weight on his chest. He looked down to see Sun-Hee sleeping fully on top of him. She was laying on her stomach with her head on his chest. Her hands were tucked under his back. The same warm-joy feeling was coming from her skin. He brushed the hair out of her face and again felt overwhelmed by his happiness. He was pretty sure he didn't deserve this beautiful girl being his soulmate, but he wasn't going to question it too much. He decided he wanted to wake up this way everyday for the rest of his life.

Sun-Hee's eyes fluttered open. She looked around slightly and realized she was laying on top of Jungkook. He had a sleepy look in his eyes and she was reminded of him in the bed in Blood, Sweat, and Tears, except right now he didn't have a shirt on. The blood rushed to her head. What was she doing on top of him in his bed? "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" She scrambled off of him. A dull ache started in her body as soon as she stood up, or maybe it was just the lack of the warm-joy feeling. She stood there confused and looked around for a moment. Then she remembered. "Oh, we're soulmates!"

"Yes! Get back here!" He grabbed her and pulled her back into bed. "Did you forget? That must have been a shock to find yourself in bed with me." He smiled at the thought.

She cuddled up against his side, she was still half asleep. "Well, I've dreamed about it so many times, I was just so shocked that it was real." She sighed and then realized what she had said. "Oh no, could you just forget I ever said that, please?"

Jungkook chuckled, "Unfortunately your comment is burned into my memory. I couldn't forget it even if I wanted to. I will be required to pull that back out and use it against you if you ever get out of line." Jungkook was still smiling.

"Only a really horrible person would do something like that." She warned.

"It must be so sad for you to find out that your soulmate is a really horrible person." He made a sad face at her. She tickled him for that comment and was delighted to find out he was quite ticklish.

When Jungkook and Sun-Hee came out of the bedroom hand-in-hand they looked relaxed and happy. Seeing them like this made all the boys (except Tae) happy. They had all thought a lot about finding their own soulmates over the last day. And every one of them hoped their soulmate would be like Sun-Hee: sweet, kind, funny, and beautiful.

They ate cold cereal for breakfast then Sun-Hee went to her apartment to shower and change. Except for a dull ache, she did okay this time being away from him. 

Jungkook also decided to take a shower while she was gone. When he came out of his bedroom a sad Tae was in the hall. Jungkook felt bad for Tae, he wished he could make this easier on him. "Listen Tae, I know you are sad that she is my soulmate, but there is someone out there who is right for you. You just need to find her."

"I could barely get any sleep last night because all I could think of was you two sleeping together." Tae admitted.

"Tae, we slept, that is all we did. I haven't even kissed her on the lips yet. We are taking this slow. But you are going to have to let her go. She can be your friend, but that is all. She is my soulmate." Tae nodded at Jungkook's words, then went back into his room for a while.

When Sun-Hee came back, Jungkook and her sat on the couch and held hands. The other five sat in the living room too and they all talked. The older boys were so glad there was peace in the house. They were also happy for Jungkook, he was hard-working and he had started working younger than any of them. He had missed out on being a regular kid. Seeing him with Sun-Hee, so contented, made them happy.

Without so much as a knock on the door, five men abruptly entered the living room. The one in front was wearing a suit, the two behind him were wearing medical scrubs and masks, and the two in back were wearing black slacks and black tight fitting sweaters.

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