Chapter 8

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The long dining room table was set with an entire line of dishes down the middle. Sun-Hee was  directed to sit between Jimin and Hoseok. Yoongi sat next to Hoseok. Across from Sun-Hee was Namjoon and he sat between Tae and Jin. The food smelled so yummy and Sun-Hee was so ready to eat. As she sat down she had a full smile and  clapped her hands in front of her chest. Hoseok again was reminded of Jungkook. But instead of being jealous of the maknae as he had been earlier, this time he felt bad Jungkook couldn't be here to enjoy this dinner with them.

The boys started noisily dishing their plates. Talking, joking, and teasing each other as they repeatedly fought over bits of food. Sun-Hee carefully dished her plate, trying to stay out of the way of the food disputes. She took a bit of everything she could reach. Hoseok also placed some of the food she couldn't reach onto her plate. She smiled at him and he gave her a 10 star smile. She thought he should do ads for toothpaste since he was probably a model. 

Yoongi came up behind Sun-Hee with a bowl of his soup and set it down next to her plate. She smiled up at him with gratitude and said "I'm going to start with this, thank you." She hungrily ate the whole bowl of soup while Yoongi passed bowls of soup to the other members. She looked at the bowl with the broth in the bottom and didn't want to waste it but was worried she would appear rude if she picked up her bowl and drank out of it. 

She had an idea, "Yoongi, can I ask you a hypothetical question?"

He squinted his eyes a bit, like he didn't know where this was going, "Sure?" 

"Hypothetically, if you were to have a guest over and they really loved your soup, would you prefer that they leave the tasty broth in the bottom of the bowl, essentially letting it go to waste or would you want that guest to put manners aside and drink the precious broth showing how much they liked it? Hypothetically." She wrinkled up her nose but kept her small smile with the last word.

Yoongi chuckled at her question. "If a hypothetical guest liked my soup enough to drink the broth then I would probably be willing to teach them to make it. Hypothetically." His eyes shining as he spoke.

"Yes! Win-win!" She pulled her fist down and by her side like she was celebrating a sports victory.

Most of the boys were having a beer with dinner but Sun-Hee drank water. She had just turned 21 and wasn't a big drinker. She also really hated the taste of beer. Tonight, with how tired she was, alcohol would have made her fall straight to sleep.

While everyone was eating and chatting, Sun-Hee turned to Jimin and asked about the group's ages. She knew respect to elders was very important in Korean culture. She told Jimin she was born in July 1996. Jimin explained that Jin was the oldest born in 92, Yoongi in 93, Hoseok and Namjoon in 94, and Tae and him in 95, "And then there is Jungkook who was born in 97."

"Jungkook?" Sun-Hee's eyes opened wide.

"Yes, he isn't here tonight. He is doing some community outreach at a hospital in Busan. He is helping to raise money for the children's ward. He will be back tomorrow night." 

"You mean there are more of you?" Sun-Hee looked baffled.

"Just one more." Jimin nodded while he continued eating.


"Yes, there are seven of us. Six of us here tonight and the one missing who is named Jungkook." Jimin looked amused that she would need this level of explanation for what he thought was a simple idea.

She looked up a little stunned at this new information. She looked across the table and saw Namjoon's eyes had a twinkle in them. He had heard her exchange with Jimin. With a chuckle and a raised eyebrow he said in perfect English, "The clown car apartment has one more devastatingly handsome man to torture you with."

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