Chapter 26

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The next day when the group got home from work there was pizza waiting. Sun-Hee had spent her morning learning BTS dances. Then had gone for a tour with the other exchange students at the University. When she got back she ordered pizza, after everyone texted their favorite toppings in the group chat. She had found Jungkook's soft black sweatshirt hanging over the arm of the couch when she came in so she had put that on.

When they walked into the kitchen she did not blush and avoid eye contact today. Which they were all glad to see. But she did burst out laughing. She tried to suppress it. "Hi guys! How did your day go?" Another involuntary giggle escaped he lips.

"Our day was good Happy Girl!" Hobi came over to give her a hug. "Thanks for the pizza!"

They crowded to the table and sat down to eat. Sun-Hee sat between Tae and Jin. They all talked about their day a bit. Sun-Hee told them about taking the tour at Seoul University. But every few minutes she would burst out laughing. The boys raised their eyebrows wondering what it could possibly be this time.

Tae thought they should play twenty questions to find out. "Did you watch another video of ours?"

Sun-Hee nodded and burst out laughing, "Yes."

Hobi chimed in, "Was it an older video?"

"Yes!" laughter again.

Joonie asked, "Was there a school bus in the video?"

Sun-Hee had to think about this, "I don't think so..."

"Were we in a school?" Jin asked.

"No. I don't think there was a school."

Yoongi's turn, "Were we sitting in chairs?"


"Were we standing on a giant chess board?"Jimin asked


It was Jungkook's turn but they didn't know if he would participate. Jungkook looked up, "Was there a girl in the video?"

"Yes!" Sun-Hee laughed again.

The boys discussed this before their next question. "It isn't Boy In Luv because she said it wasn't in a school."

"It could be Beautiful or War of Hormone."

"Was RM in the video?" Tae asked.

Sun-Hee laughed again, "Oh yeah, he was!"

They all knew which one it was. "War of Hormone!"

Sun-Hee lit up, "Yes! Oh my gosh, you guys were so cute! You were actual babies! I laughed all day about how sweet you were." They smiled at how much she liked it. "And Joonie your hair! It was the first video I've seen where Jin looked young. Then Jungkook wearing the Freddy Krueger sweater and lifting up Yoongi on his shoulders! Hobi, you were so sweet to open the door for the girl and the little brat said no! And Tae got the girl in the end. And everyone kicked him." Tae beamed. 

Sun-Hee turned to Jimin, "I do have a question for you Jimin." Out of all of them, Jimin seemed the most embarrassed about her seeing their older videos. "Had you ever ridden a bicycle before that day?" Everyone including Jimin laughed at that.

"I knew how to ride a bike! But we were going so slow and the bike wasn't very well balanced!" Jimin whined. Sun-Hee nodded like she was understanding it all now.

"I will have to see evidence in the future that you do, indeed, know how to ride a bike." Sun-Hee smiled.

"Joonie has a bike, we can go down right now!" Jimin jumped up.

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