Chapter 7

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Hoseok and Sun-Hee came back to the kitchen to check on the progress of dinner. They were assured it was almost ready.

Sun-Hee was starting to really feel the effects of being so tired, she wondered if she would make it though dinner. She sat down at the table and laid her chin on her hand and closed her eyes. She liked hearing the four men banter in the kitchen. Hoseok started setting the table. Tae was scrolling through his phone. Jin and Yoongi continued with the cooking.

Sun-Hee sat up and questioned whether she was dreaming or not when another tall gorgeous man walked into the kitchen. This man's looks rivaled the beauty of every man she had ever seen. He had slightly purple or maybe grey dyed hair, cut in a shorter style than the others. He had intelligent eyes and a confident walk. He honestly reminded her of a Greek God. Are you kidding me right now? She thought. There can't seriously be more of them. How many models live here anyway?  Sun-Hee's tired punchiness showed itself when she said in extremely rapid English with a slightly annoyed tone, "Seriously, is this apartment like a clown car full of handsome men? Each more devastatingly beautiful than the last? For the love of God, where is the hidden camera?" She briefly looked around.

The rest of the group looked to Namjoon to translate. He shook his head slightly and said to Jin "Tae?" Jin nodded back. The new Adonis flashed Jin a cringe face with clenched teeth. "What are we up to, is this 5 now?" 

Jin said "Yeah, I'm guessing 5."

Yoongi chimed in with, "It feels more like 10."

Tae whined, "Stop exaggerating it was only 3, no actually 4. It was 4!"

The Greek God said, "Then that makes this 5, so we aren't exaggerating now are we?" He gave Tae a forced smile and giant dimples appeared on both of his cheeks. 

Sun-Hee closed her eyes and dropped her head, still speaking in English, "Oh for the love of God, dimples too? Heaven help me. Whatever's coming next, bring it on!"

He smiled brighter at this and even laughed a little. Sun-Hee was starting to put together what was happening here. 

"Yah! Tae, introduce our guest to your Hyung! Do I have to remind you every time?! You have such bad manners, this is not how I raised you!" Jin's face was turning red again.

"Sorry Hyung. Sun-Hee Anderson, please meet Kim Namjoon Hyung." 

Namjoon nodded slightly at Sun-Hee but kept his look cool. This time she decided to give the same cool greeting and nodded her head to him also.

Just then an angel walked in the room. She whined, "Oh for the love of all that is holy in this universe, the clown car continues." Apart from not having wings and a halo, this man looked exactly like an angel. He had blond hair, full lips, and a seriously angelic face. His hands were decorated in beautiful silver rings, on his wrists he had multiple bracelets and he also wore many necklaces and earrings.  He had a certain grace as he walked as if he was some celestial being floating over the floor. She had never in her life had the temptation to grab someone's cheeks. But right now her hands were forming fists to keep her from doing just that. The angel licked his lips and ran his fingers through his hair. Sun-Hee had difficulty taking a full breath.

Knowing exactly what was coming next, having already experienced it multiple times, Sun-Hee stood up and held her hand up to Tae and Jin and said in Korean, "I got this one." Then turning to the angel she bowed and declared, "Hello, I'm Sun-Hee Anderson. I am sorry to inform you that I am the latest in the long line of Tae's female guests he has brought to your home. The general consensus is that I'm the 5th, although some say it feels like many more than that. I'm fully aware that there is a test I will need to pass, or an observation period I need to endure where you are required to remain cold to me and not be welcoming in any way. I look forward to a time when you will be allowed to be friendly." 

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