Chapter 11

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Jimin: Hold on.

"Hold on?" Sun-Hee mumbled to herself. What does he mean by that?

She slipped on some strappy black flat sandals and put on a little black belt to match. She found her black cross body purse in her newly organized closet. The purse was small but it was able to hold her wallet and her phone. She grabbed her sunglasses and walked out her door.

As she walked down the hall there was a man in a white t-shirt and jean shorts jogging her direction. He had on a white bucket hat, sunglasses, and white designer tennis shoes. He seemed to be headed right for her so she moved over to the far right of the hall to avoid a collision. At the last moment he jumped over in front of her and grabbed her by the waist and spun her around laughing. "You don't recognize me do you?"

"Oh my gosh! Jimin? Is that you under there?" Sun-Hee laughed. Jimin smiled and put her down.

Sun-Hee grabbed his hands, "Where are all your pretty silver rings and bracelets? You even took out your earrings!"

Jimin pulled his sunglasses down and winked at her, "I'm in disguise!" 

Sun-Hee laughed at that. Jimin had a fresh face as if he had just washed it. He looked less decorated than yesterday but he was so overwhelmingly handsome even when unadorned. His tongue darted out to lick his lips. She was starting to notice that was a habit he had and every time it drew her attention to his beautiful lips. 

"Well I didn't recognize you at all, so it worked. Who exactly are you hiding from?"

Jimin gave her a gorgeous smile and Sun-Hee melted a bit inside. "I'm going out on your errand with you and I don't want to be accosted by all my adoring fans." 

Sun-Hee rolled her eyes and chuckled, "Oh, okay. Well, let me know if you need help keeping them all at bay!"

Jimin took Sun-Hee's hand and they walked together out of the building and out on to the streets. They didn't have to go far, the phone store she wanted to go to was just a few blocks away.

When they got there, she looked at the various phones. Jimin had some suggestions of features he liked that she should get. Once they settled on a phone, she brought it up to the counter and filled out the paperwork and handed over her credit card. Jimin suggested that she grab a protective case while they were there. While she was over looking at the cases, he gave the cashier his credit card and said, "Could you use this card instead? I'd also like to set up automatic monthly payments with this card as well. Thanks." The cashier was obliging and took care of it all. 

Sun-Hee came back with her phone case and showed it to Jimin. "Look, it has this cute pink bunny! Look at his face, what a snarky little attitude! The box says his name is Cooky. I think he is so cute!" Jimin's face got still, he didn't say anything. With his sunglasses on she couldn't read his expression. "Is it too babyish for a grown woman? There is also this cute little yellow puppy on the display that I liked, but they were all sold out."

That comment got a big smile from Jimin. "You have really good taste Sun-Hee. I don't think it is babyish at all."

Sun-Hee grabbed her credit card from the counter and the cashier asked if she would like help transferring her data. Why this question would make her nervous, Jimin didn't know but she seemed to really have to think it over. She bit her bottom lip for a minute then asked the cashier, "Is there any way for someone to track my new phone number if I copy over old data?" 

The cashier seemed confused by this question, "The only people who will have your new number are the people you give it to."

"But I got a new number a few months ago and someone was able to find it who I didn't give it to." Jimin turned away and pretended to be interested in a display next to him. He may have looked uninterested in the conversation, but he was paying very close attention. This actually cleared up a question Jimin had earlier about why Sun-Hee was insistent that she needed a whole new phone number, not just a new phone. He hadn't questioned her about needed a new number, he had just changed it right away in the group chat.

The cashier said that the most likely reason is that someone had given this person her new number. He suggested that she only give her new-new number to people who didn't know that person. Satisfied with his answer, Sun-Hee asked for him to copy over her data.

They left the store and Jimin took Sun-Hee's hand. He looked at her over his sunglasses and said "Do you want to talk about it?"

She smiled gratefully, "Thanks Jimin. I think I'm good now."

Jimin grabbed her shoulders, turned her towards him, and stopped them both right in the middle of the busy sidewalk. He again, looked at her over his sunglasses, "I have a very serious question to ask you." 

Sun-Hee swallowed and nodded, "Okay."

Jimin continued his serious tone, "Do you like ice cream?" He paused. "Think carefully about your response because this answer could make or break our friendship."

Sun-Hee laughed, "Oh my gosh, you are so dramatic! Yes, of course I like ice-cream. Only a complete psychopath wouldn't like ice cream."

Jimin slipped his hands from her shoulders and brought them around to her back for a hug. She leaned her head on his chest for a moment and wrapped her own arms around him for a squeeze. She could get way too comfortable hugging this man. "Good, I can see we are going to get along just fine."

But just a few minutes later Jimin was complaining, "Mint chocolate chip? Of all the flavors to choose! You may as well just eat cold toothpaste! And I thought we were so compatible! Now I can't even sneak bites of your ice cream, it ruins the whole experience for me!"

"Well, I like many flavors of ice cream but I guess I'll have to get mint chip each time, so I can keep my ice cream to myself!"

Jimin and Sun-Hee continued their banter as they ate their ice creams on the way back to the apartment. When they entered the lobby of their building, Jimin dragged her by the hand around to a door she'd never noticed. He put his wallet up to the sensor and in they went to the private elevator. She had only ever entered the elevator from the 5th floor and the Penthouse. Once inside Jimin pushed the "P" then grabbed Sun-Hee in a big hug and leaned back against the wall of the elevator. "I just want you to know that I'm here for you if you need to talk. I know we've only known each other for a day but I already care about you. We will protect you, I hope you know that."

When she spoke, he almost didn't hear it because she said it so quietly, "He's too powerful to fight, I just have to stay hidden."

Jimin hugged her tighter, he wanted to explain that he was powerful too, but since she didn't know who he was that would have to be a later conversation. He decided to keep her distracted for the rest of the day so she didn't think about her problems.

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