Chapter 9

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Tae and Sun-Hee were both enjoying holding each other's hand. Tae's hands were large and the one holding Sun-Hee was completely enveloping her hand. They made their way back to Sun-Hee's room. She 'only' made two mistakes leading the way. One was, she got off the staircase on the wrong floor. Her room was on the third floor not the fourth. And the other was that she turned the wrong way at the end of one hall. But Tae helped get her successfully to her room. 

Standing in the doorway to say goodnight, Sun-Hee was sleepy but not anxious to send Tae away. He had been so kind and he was making her heart flutter every time he looked at her. He was leaning against the door frame when he asked, "Sun-Hee have you found your soulmate?"

She shook her head. "No. But I've always dreamed about discovering my soulmate when he kisses me. I've always thought that would be so romantic."

Tae frowned a bit. "But that would mean that your first touch would be a kiss."

"I know, I know. I don't think it could happen in real life but in a romantic story that is how it would happen."

Tae leaned in, "Should we test it out?"

Sun-Hee laughed. "Tae, we have touched many times today. You were just holding my hand."

Tae being his smooth self and also wanting to get his way (which he often did), leaned in further, "It can't hurt to try, you never know." His voice was low and soft and seductive. His chocolate eyes were studying her whole face. His lips were a mere centimeter from hers. They weren't touching anywhere but Sun-Hee could feel his breath on her lips. She knew he was waiting for her to come the last centimeter to him. Such a gentleman not to push himself on her. She moved the fraction of an inch needed for contact.

Their lips touched so gently. It was one of the sweetest kisses she had ever had. Only their lips touching and nothing more. Tae pulled back and smiled still speaking in his quiet husky voice.  "That was nice. Go get some sleep. I hope to see you tomorrow. Good night, Sun-Hee." When he said her name with his soulful low voice, she had to have self-control to step inside and close the door and not drag him in with her.

She leaned back against the closed door and sighed. She had met a nice man on her first day in Korea. It was a good day.


Back at the apartment the boys had just finished cleaning the kitchen in record time with all of them helping. Namjoon had translated Sun-Hee's rant but the word 'clown car' didn't translate well so they had all viewed a video of a circus on Youtube. After seeing clown after clown after clown exit the small car the boys had some idea how Sun-Hee was feeling. They started laughing a bit at first but very soon they were hysterical. To think about handsome men that just keep walking in, a new one every few minutes. And Sun-Hee looking for a hidden camera made them laugh more.

Jimin particularly liked the part where she said the men kept getting more and more gorgeous because he was the last one. But Namjoon though she had said that after seeing him and didn't repeat it when she saw Jimin. They could tell they all wanted to get closer to Sun-Hee, they needed to be careful that no one got hurt here.

Taehyung burst through the front door yelling, "I have a giiiiirllll frieeeeennnndd!"

They all gave him a horrified look. He looked around at their faces, "What?! I thought you all really liked her! Why do you look at me like that?"

They didn't know what to say. Jin decided to move gently on this one. "Tae, why do you say she is your girlfriend?"

"Because we kissed."

Jimin stood up and rolled his head around to relieve pressure in his neck and shook his hands at his sides. "Shit, shit, shit." He said quietly. Jin gave him a pointed look.

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