Chapter 1

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"Popi." She hissed from beside me, the two of us packing my belongings into two separate bags, more of my clothes in the bag I was packing than the one she was helping with, she thought she was so slick as she packed slowly, which she was not, i'd end up shoving everything in if I had to, but I was leaving, today.

"Don't wanna hear it." I mumbled softly, knowing she was probably gonna ask if this was a good idea for the six hundredth time this weekend, and honestly, I had no idea if it was but I was going to be doing it anyway.

I was being impulsive, I know.

Something I never usually was, but my therapist that i've only seen twice now had said that change was good, change was what I needed, which is exactly why I was here, packing my bags alongside my childhood best friend, Spencer Lain.

"We need to talk about it before you up and leave, you know that, right?" She asked me but I didn't quite listen, well I did, but I wasn't going to actually talk about it if thats what she wanted me to do.


I still wasn't listening, or well talking, folding my shirts, then my skirts- or the lack thereof since London was chilly ninety nine point nine percent of the time, especially for someone who'd stayed in Miami when she was a child, and move to London at eleven, unfortunately I never really got to the point of not feeling the cold as much, even if I was twenty years old now.


Oh she was serious, she used my whole name, which she never usually does.

I sighed, packing away the last skirt of the four I owned and looked to her, pushing back my dyed platinum gray that was starting to show the browning roots- but for some reason, that made me like it a little more.

I loved dyeing my hair, I did it way to often ever since I was 18 and I was even quite surprised my hair hadn't fallen out at how frequently i'd dyed it in my life.

I'd once dyed it pale blue that resembled the color of the clear clean pool water, once ginger which admittedly wasn't for me and my hazel eyes tan skin combo, it made me look kinda boring in my opinion, the black was pretty too but my favorite right now was this shade of white on my hair, not blonde, literally platinum blonde, all I needed was icy grey eyes and you could call me Malfoy.

"Ambrose said its okay." I replied with a short roll of my eyes and she snorted, shaking her head. "You rarely ever see Ambrose."

"He's my brother Spens." I tried to reason with her but she wasn't having it. "He's your brother who you hadn't seen for majority of your life."

True, but when I did see him it was never awkward or weird or anything like that, he was my other best friend in some ways, a support system too, but he had a busy life and I understood that.

My brother, Ambrose, stayed back in Miami when i'd moved to London years ago, but he was only sixteen at the time, so he stayed with his best friend, a friend I hadn't met in my entire life- but apparently the guys family was freaking loaded and welcomed Ambrose with open arms, it didn't really concern me but i'd also heard the gossip behind their family as I grew up, which made me think, maybe it was a good thing that I didn't meet them.

They were a big family to say the least.

I vaguely remember being ten, hearing my mom talk to my uncle about how the guys father had hundreds of children, probably not really hundreds, but a lot nonetheless.

Most with different women and it'd admittedly given me the ick but I shrugged it off, he had hundreds of kids but was still kind enough to let my brother stay with them, an extra person, extra mouth to feed, extra body to clothe.

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