Chapter 24

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"I am kind of horrified." I mumbled softly, hoping he wouldn't hear it but he did and my brother snorted from beside me, "They're not that bad."

Huh? "Not that bad isn't good enough."

He just shook his head at my words, shrugging it off and I felt myself grow antsier by the second. I'd wanted to play with my bangs strands on my forehead but as soon as I touched my forehead i'd realized that i'd clipped it back to give my ponytail a sleeker look than usual.

My face was now on full display with the makeup that Kiana and Kauai had put on me and I suddenly felt worse than before, not because of how I looked, I thought I looked good in my all white jumpsuit that looked classier than anything i'd ever owned, and I even thought my hair looked good, its just that I had nothing else to play with since i'd taken out the bracelets I usually always kept on my wrists.

I told myself to calm down as we walked up the mansions stairs, already hearing conversing inside from where we were and I almost turned back around to leave this premises when i'd realized just how many people would be inside here from the number of cars littering the way to this house.

I played with my nails as we walked past a few herds of people, the women and men in white and black, dresses and suits or well- anything that had to do with black or white, just like my own attire and I felt a lot better knowing i'd blend right in.

My gaze swept around the inside of the house, not looking for anyone in particular, till my eyes settled on one man in a black pants and a matching black dress shirt, sitting with his brothers, hair tousled as always, he ran a hand down his sharp jaw as he looked away from Hugo on the couch's arm rest and and over to Adair seated beside him.

In that moment I'd realized i'd been unknowingly looking for Rhys the entire time.

I tore my gaze away from them just as my brother looked their way, "Where's Luxe?" In all honesty, Luxe and Florence were the only ones who'd spoken to me directly and I felt the most comfortable with them, not that Frankie and Lila weren't really nice too.

"With Florence, they're only gonna be here in like- an hour.

My eyes widened. "An hour? Like, sixty minutes?" I stressed over the fact that one hour was really far from now and he nodded.

"Hugo irks me." I admitted softly and he snorted.

"He doesn't mean the shit he says, just relax Dyl." He told me as we began our way over to the guys, yet my stomach still churned uncomfortably but I tried to push that away.

I didn't want to be near Hugo, and I felt bad for it too, but I didn't want to force my brother to be away from his friends either just because I felt some way I couldn't explain around one of them.

I swallowed harshly, messing with the two thin gold rings on my index finger till we got to the couch and they all looked over to my brother, me behind him and I looked around Ambrose and over to Rhys, just to find his eyes already on me.

I smiled at him and he blinked, looking away almost immediately after causing me to almost frown, beginning to nibble at the inside of my cheek.

"Hi Dylan." Bolt greeted me after I sat down on the single couch beside Ambrose, probably noticing how i'd just looked around the mansion like the stranger I felt like I was.

I looked to him and smiled. "Hi, you know Dylan's my second name, you can call me Calliope."

"I think we're all too used to Dylan." Adair admitted with an obvious pointed look over to my brother and I giggled lightly. "Yeah I guess, its fine either way actually." I shrugged and looked over to Hugo who'd been blatantly eyeing me.

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