Chapter 46

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Before I got to bed on Saturday night my first thoughts was that I was basically going on vacation with my boyfriends family, just that majority of them had absolutely no idea that we were dating.

And most of the night I was thinking about all my time i'd spend with him, I was so nervous and excited that I couldn't wait, i'd barely gotten any sleep from just how excited I was, which is why when my brother woke me up at 5am after i'd gotten only two hour of sleep I'd turned over and literally screamed into my pillow.

He just snorted at my antics and tapped my head before he left the bedroom and let me start to get ready for today.

I knew that because it was close to middle December that it'd be extremely cold in France, so last night I brought out my London clothes, which was layers of different clothing and when I was done packing majority of my cupboard into the bag i'd also taken an outfit for today and kept it in a hanger on my closets handle.

So now I just slipped on my leggings and hoodie over my body, snuggling into the oversized fluffy white hoodie as I put my white trainers on, my hair was left open and just combed through.

Within this week i'd trimmed my bangs and dyed my hair again, a red, kinda brown, kind of ginger color that could maybe be placed as light brown mixed in with red and i'd say it suited me well.

When I was done changing I walked downstairs and my brother took me to the office since Rhys said he'd take me with him to the airport, of course he would, and my naive brother just shrugged and let it be.

But for some reason, I think i'd prefer if he figured it out by himself rather than having to explain it all to him because it seemed like it would actually be kinda weird to have to explain it to him.

When we got there and he walked in with me, I noticed he was still in checkered pajama pants and a white t-shirt but he didn't seem to care since it was a Sunday and no one would be here anyway.

"Very festive." I joked as I looked to the green and red checkered color pajama pants he was wearing and he grunted in response making me raise a brow.

I'd also noticed he wasn't exactly himself today.

"Did something happen?" I ask, pushing my hands into the hoodies pockets.



He looked to me beside him, a very evident straight line on his lips and I rose a brow that indirectly coaxed him to tell me, my lips forming a frown as soon as I actually put one and two together. "Ki?"

His frown deepened and I sighed, oh no.

"She likes you."

He sighs and we stop walking for a little when he presses the elevator button down, "No she doesn't, she thinks she's just an option."

I hum, "Is she?"

"What the fuck Dylan? It took me awhile but of course she's not an option, I fucking love her." He mumbles as he rubs his fist over his eyes, probably because he's also tired but my eyes only widen as I stare at him.

Did he just say, love?

How long has he even liked her? Since she worked here for like four years? Damn.

"Love?" I ask

He sighed heavily as he continued past me as soon as the elevator doors open and I scolded him, "Jesse!"

"Yeah love Dylan fuck." He grumbles back as he pressed the other button and we wait, a short silence passing between us before I speak up again.

"Are you serious?"

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