Chapter 33

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"I can't believe you haven't tasted chocolate fondue before." I told Felix as I sat down with a plate of mini waffles and an assortment of different types of chocolate fondues i'd made not too long ago, no longer hot but still warm enough to eat.

"Between all the cupcakes and cookies you give me, i've already had enough sugar." He told me as I pushed the platter sized plate over the table and over to him, grinning like a cat. "Just try one."

"It looks really... chocolatey."

"I'll get you strawberries to take away from that sweetness, kay?" I reasoned as I pulled my ice tea closer to me, sipping on it as I watched him eye the tray with what I could only call skepticism.

"If I die-"

I groaned. "Shut up." I said before he could finish that sentence, leaning over the table top, using the same fork he'd had in hand for him

I stabbed said fork into the waffle piece and dipped it into one of the fondues, holding it up and opening my mouth so he could mimic me.

"Open up Fix it." 

He opened his mouth with a glare and I held a hand underneath the fork to keep it from dripping onto his clothes, feeding him and I giggled at his expression that wasn't all too bad actually. "Too sweet?"

He swallowed, licking his lips, "Not really."

I chuckled more, wiping beside his mouth with a napkin that was on the table beside us just to hear the door open and I looked back up, away from Felix's face just for my eyes to meet my favorite pair.

I blinked, my laugh slowly dying down as I smiled at him but his eyes just roamed over Felix, not me.

I cleared my throat, knowing this was probably an odd position for him to see us in and moved down from the table.

Felix must've noticed the shift in atmosphere too, as if a sudden indescribable tension rose in here. "Today was fun, but im gonna go home, unless you need a ri-"

"She doesn't." Rhys rudely interjected, pushing his hands into his pockets and I nibbled on my cheek.

When he'd told me he wanted to see me today yesterday, I thought he was kidding.

But of course here he was in all his glory.

I almost got up and slapped him though.

Felix and I had spent the day together, he was always a good friend, very reliable too. He'd helped me restock the bakery as the others continued to work throughout the day.

For some reason I really felt like waffles and since he'd never had fondue before I whipped some up quickly, now it was nearing seven and the work day was over for most people, and so Rhys was here.

Everyone else gone, so soon, it'd be just Rhys and I.

Felix just sent a curt nod in his direction, equally as cold as Rhys's nod, but Felix sent me a discreet wink and a smile as he left.

I waved at him with my own smile and sighed when the door was closed, looking out the tinted windows to the sunset that was thankfully dimmed because at this angle it hit directly inside the bakery.

"That was really very of rude of you." I told him as I stood up, taking the waffles and fondue platter with me and he scoffed as he trailed behind me.

"What were you doing anyway?"

"We were just playing around." I said as I emptied the leftovers into containers, taking the now empty dish we'd used over to the sink.

"Playing around?"

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