Chapter 29

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I spent most of my day with Felix, and together we spent majority of the day stocking the bakery up with everything needed for next week whilst simultaneously getting groceries for the house too, spending our time catching up a little here and there.

But now, I was currently being questioned by Emrhys at my brothers house, the same man who had ironically also told me to stay away from him.

Bloody idiot.

"Didn't you start driving?" Rhys asked me slowly, not so discreetly looking over to Felix as he passed by us and I nodded tiredly at the man in front of me when he brought his attention back to me.

All I wanted was just to move past Rhys and go upstairs to my bedroom to hibernate with some food for the rest of the day until I decided that I wanted to bake something.

So I did move past him, or was about to, till he tugged at my hand, intertwining our fingers and almost immediately after I looked around the place, looking for my brother, tugging harshly to get my hand out of his even when Ambrose wasn't outside here.

"Stop it." I hissed at him and he looked at me almost innocently, "Stop what?"

"Touching me."


I blinked.

What does he mean why? He freaking told me to stop touching him and well- doesn't that mean he should stop touching me too?

"You told me not to touch you so I won't, but don't touch me either Rhys." I hissed at him and he rose a brow.

But he looked... amused?

Why the hell was he amused?

The entire day after what he'd said to me two days ago i'd had a weird feeling, something sorta like guilt, and I hated that I felt like i'd done something wrong just by going to see him.

So again, I tried to avoid him like how he wanted me to, not just for him, but for me too.

Yet here he was, confusing me further.

He leaned down closer to my face, and I blinked at our sudden closeness, my eyes wondering on every little feature of his, his hair, nose... lips.

"What if I don't want you to stop touching me anymore?" He asked me and my eyes rose to his as my lips parted, just a little, because that was the most his given me since that night, or his office.

"W-what?" I somehow managed to get out, not really believing any words of his but saying it anyway because I had no idea what else to say.

"I missed you." He told me, looking down at my hands crossed beneath my breasts, I dropped my hands and he looked back up to me.

Oh... he definitely had been looking at my tits.


Did he just say he missed me?

"Its only been a few days." I replied to him, a little part of me growing annoyed because I actually liked that he missed me.

I missed him too, kinda.

"Doesn't really matter."

I swallowed thickly, not saying anything as I moved back and away from him just as Felix came back outside from inside the house.

I walked away from Rhys and over to Felix, ignoring Rhys's words, very poorly, but still managing to ignore it.

"Thank you for coming with me today." I told him, smiling as I opened my arms for a hug and unlike Rhys, he just hugged me, no sorts of hesitance or confusion.

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