Chapter 6

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"What now, another problem?"

"There always is." The handsome yet equally as jerky stranger spoke dryly and my brother groaned loudly, walking around the guy and over to the desk, taking a cookie out the container stressfully and biting into it before sighing.

"Why can't I just live off the cookies you bake, Dylan?"

"She is Dylan?" The guy practically spat out my name and I blinked in realization. He knew me as Dylan, not as Calliope, of course he did, Ambrose rarely ever even used my first name aloud.

My brother looked back to the guy and nodded in confirmation. "Yeah, Calliope."

"You never told me you had a sister."

Ambrose looked a little confused at that and admittedly, I was too. "Huh? Man i've talked about her numerous times, its her- she's Dylan."

"Wait, so is her name Calliope or Dylan?" Why were they talking about me like I wasn't in this very same room?

"Both." Ambrose and I spoke in unison and the stranger, who wasn't a stranger to my brother, I suppose, blinked between Ambrose and I.

"You just said you had a sibling."

My brother exhaled harshly but I was the one who spoke, "Yes, and thats me, Calliope Dylan Sweeney, are you dense?" I asked him with a tilt of my head and he glared at me not so discreetly which I grinned at.

I was only teasing, but he glared back at my grin like he'd wanted to wack me upside the head right about now.

It admittedly made me stir in my seat a little, my grin faltering at the ends and I look away because wow, grumpy much?

"I thought you meant a brother." He says as he redirected his attention to my brother too, thankfully, because I'm sure as hell he'd burn a hole through me if he kept glaring at me.

"Dylan is a unisex name."

"Like Jesse." I chipped in and Ambrose nodded, taking another cookie and eating it in two bites once again.

"Im so hungry, can we go eat?"

I rose a brow at that, mentally saying, when are you not hungry?

"Uh yeah sure, you're the one who said I should come here, Jes."

It looked like a lightbulb lit at the top of his head because he nodded very enthusiastically, almost looking animated in this moment. "Oh shit that, we'll go now I just need to get something, Rhys leave the papers here and we'll talk about whatever the fuck its about man, i'll be back later."

The guy who i'd placed his name as Rhys now- nodded slowly, running a hand through his thick brown curls causing a few strands to fall back down near his eyebrows, sweeping over it and I watched, completely enthralled by just how attractive he was. 

He looked handsome, but not rugged, more like a freaking male model since he too never smiled, but it never took away from how he looked, which was fairly distracting.

My brother quickly left the room and I stood up, feeling tense, shifting in place as I took my phone from the desk and walked to the side where Rhys was, looking over and up to him and he looked down and over to me.

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