Chapter 63

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"Calli." Rhys says the nickname as we walk over the beach pier towards my bakery, my keys jingling softly in hand and I look to him beside me with a small smile and nod.

"Yep?" I chirp, in a better mood than usual, turning back  when we get there and unlocking the door.

He's quiet for a second as I open the bakery doors before I walk in and make my way through the place, hearing the door close behind us.

"Why were you blushing?"

I almost roll my eyes at the question but I don't, going around the counter to check if there was no one who'd actually broken into this place because of Anakin's mistake.

Apparently he was too busy texting.

Very bad excuse, and it gave me every reason to give the keys to one of the others instead.

Honestly, I had no idea why I gave Darth Vader the keys anyway.

"This again?" I ask him as I turn back and lean on the counter when I see that no one else is here, just us and he shrugs, cracking his knuckles before he speaks.

"It's never happened before, I just don't understand, are you moving on from me?"

I almost frown at that. Because he isn't joking, he sounds genuinely confused.

As if i'd ever move on from him.

"Of course not, I wasn't blushing because of him Rhys, it just, it kinda reminded me of what we did yesterday." I swallow, "You know, like, when you called me sweetheart." I mumble almost shyly, knowing my face was beet red and he raises a brow before he comes to the realization of what I meant and is now smirking right at me.


"Seriously? That's it?"

"Shut up." I grumble, pushing past him so we could leave but he grabs my arm, pulling me at my bicep and leaning down, kissing me immediately causing me to sigh softly against his lips.

I loved kissing him.

"I love you so damn much." He says as he pulls me closer, cupping my jaw, his fingers pressing into my dimples softly and I smile into the kiss, but this time when he kisses me again, he doesn't stop.

He lets his tongue slide between my lips, his other hand working its way up my shirt, tugging it off from the hem and I let him drop it the floor in one quick swoop.

"Not in here." I murmur closer to his mouth but he doesn't seem to care, he just closes the space between us and kisses me harder.

And I don't think I really care either.

I yelped softly when he suddenly tugged me closer to him till he was able to lift me up, his hands wrapping around and up my thighs and my arms instinctively go around the back of his neck as my legs lock behind his back and he sets me on the counter behind us, undoing my jean button.

"Its your place." He say's as he tugs my jeans down my legs and drops it to the floor, leaving me in just my bra and panties.

"No ones gonna know and I need you badly, its either here or my car." He says as he runs his fingers up my sides, over to between my legs, running his fingers over my panties and I feel a shiver make its way up my spine when he checks just how wet I am.

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