Authors Note

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Emrhys & Calliope

Finishing this book was so weird to me

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Finishing this book was so weird to me.

This was a good ending, it was a happy one too, it was exactly what i'd planned for a few weeks now and it worked well when written down so I knew it was perfect.

Confession time, Calli was going to make Rhys grovel longer in my head but I could see that people (including myself) would've thought that the plot point is being prolonged.

After sometime I felt like the amount of chapters Calli had not forgiven him for the lie was realistic and enough since I knew her main thoughts were something on the lines of hurt and betrayal because he kept something away from her that she wouldn't have kept away from him which hit hard, but he'd made up for it in the end and really damn well GROVELED (My groveling king<3) so it was all good in the end.

I was going to prolong the ending for maybe two more months give or take but I had the chapters done and just kept editing stuff that didn't need to be edited, waiting for inspiration for new chapters and soon i'd realized I have been growing attached to writing about Rhys and Calli and didn't want it to end, but the thing is all good things come to an end (unfortunately that means books too.)

So I knew it was gonna end sooner or later and i'd rather not mess it up by rambling on with stupid shit and therefore prolonging the ending when it was at a good place.

So I didn't prolong it, and I don't regret it. it felt right to end it where I did.

I have barely any words actually, mostly because I didn't even expect to get 1K reads in a years time, let alone 44K reads in what? 4 months?

I want to thank everyone who liked/commented (Yes I did read every comment and laughed or smiled because everyone is so kind and funny) /read this book since it meant a lot to me during these past few months and I really hoped it meant a lot to you too.

I also wanted to mention that seeking help / going to therapy, are all ways of life, I legitimately feel like as humans therapy is just something we should try if we see the need for it, life is tough sometimes and its hard on us, good mental health is important for your wellbeing, your motivation and many more factors such as your relationships around you.


Please read if you've really finished the book and didn't just skip to come see whats down here

For everyone who has read Sweeney Sweets but is still unsure on how Hugo is related to Calliope: In the chapters around 50 or so it is shared that Hugo Blackburn was Calliope's brother. Hugo was legally adopted from Calliope's mother by Jack Blackburn (Rhys Blackburn's father.) when he was born and none one had known since they'd assumed Hugo was the son of a one night stand of Jack Blackburn's.

Hugo Blackburn is actually Calliope and Ambrose Sweeney's biological brother and is only adopted siblings to the Blackburn children, not blood related.

I just wanted to put the speculation to rest, because NO, Calliope and Emrhys are NOT at all related!!!!


NOTE - I'd like to clear up any Calliope hate, I love her, she was my everything when writing this story and I wanted to write about characters who are NOT always perfect, such as Rhys who had lied and made a mistake to keep his girlfriend happy and Calli who gave in to her nature of pulling away so that she wouldn't be left anymore heartbroken even if she still loved Rhys, she was only trying to protect herself and her heart.

In the end, they just needed to communicate, specifically Calliope, and they did.

Calliope has always been an avoider, always stubborn and she's been alone her whole life even if her uncle was there, but as mentioned, he was a very distant person himself. Her automatic response to hurt is to be alone, thats what she does when things get hard or too complicated and that was what she did after Rhys had kept something so big from her, but as you see she learns her mistake and takes accountability for her actions, realizing that she's not alone, she has Rhys.
She just didn't want to lose him completely and so she did what she did to keep him at bay yet still near her.

On the topic of being closed off I want people to know that reaching out is ok. That being sad is ok. But please, reach out, please talk to someone. And please, the people who listen to these people reaching out please have empathy, patience and love, life can be so cruel and sometimes all we need is one person to help us get through it. It doesn't make you weak nor is it embarrassing, we all need help sometimes, and at the end of the day we're all human.

I do hope everyone was satisfied with this book and are able to understand Calliope a little more.

I typed this out since it felt weird for me not to interact and just end the book with the epilogue without a thank you to all of you all the reads / likes / comments which definitely helped me not take my book down after a month or two.

I know its normal to feel like your writing might not be good enough or that people wouldn't even want to read what you write but everyones reads / comments / likes made me feel so much better, it made continue writing so thank you all, it means so much to me since writing is something i've loved for the longest time and all the reads / comments / likes were like a motivational anthem telling me that I'm not a shitty writer after all.

And maybe I will continue writing more books ;)

Anyway, I wouldn't want to bore anyone to death any longer, so all I will say is a big thank you to all.

Lots of love, lovelies - Angelic

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