Chapter 30

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When I got to Miami I wouldn't have thought i'd be going to parties and openings and all these difference types of events every other weekend, back in London every weekend was either studying or staying at home to watch tv with Spencer and some wine, sometimes we'd go to college parties but it was almost rarely since most were just a constant repetition of the ones the weeks before.

But evidently parties and openings would be a frequent thing, I thought, as I held onto Ki's arm. She walked between my brother and I, one hand on mine.

Unlike me Kiana's dress was a deep red dress that came down to her knees, long sleeved and almost all lace making her look extremely sexy.

I most definitely took note of the fact that Jes must've have noticed it too since he'd looked at her more than I did, and i'd been speaking to her more than him.

Her lips were painted a dark red, faintly matching her red hair which was up in a bun, a few curly strands falling and framing her face, light makeup except for her lips unlike me who's eyes were done in a purple hue eyeshadow and my lips just covered by a nude colored lipstick with clear coat of lipgloss over it.

Unlike her I was wearing lavender dress i'd got just for tonight which was now my absolute favorite dress i'd ever worn. It was so elegant, tight on all the right places and a color that I adored with my entire being.

My hair was up and pulled away from my face, my bangs cut and trimmed and straightened down my forehead and my bracelets kept over my wrists like usual.

"Where's Blackburn?" Ki asked as we got inside the building, people gathered around, drinking and mingling and I let my eyes roam the room too, unintentionally looking for the very same person she'd just referred to.

"Probably late, he didn't want to come here."

"So why did he?" I asked as we walked down the stairs and he shrugged. "I forced him to."

"As usual." I joked as we got down the stairs and I took a flute of red wine against my better judgment, trying to forget what the red wine had done to me not too long ago.

"Oh there he is, with Millie."

Was that a girls name?

I looked over to the direction they'd been looking at, looking over to the woman and him, both at the bar.

I blinked.

You know how it feels when a guy you sort of like smiles at another person? I felt that, except that either way if he smiled or not it still really annoyed me because he barely ever smiled at me either.

But he still kissed me.

My body burned as we walked towards them, all the way down to that spot between my legs.

This happened way too often.

Was this a bad idea? Especially after yesterday?

I looked over to Ki who was talking to Ambrose about some work related thing causing me to huff, looking back ahead, slipping my hand out of hers as I nervously played with the bracelets on my wrist.

"Hi Millie." Kiana said and Millie looked away from Rhys and to her, sending my brother a smile too, not before looking to me too and I forced a polite smile.

Her eyes widened causing me to clear my throat lightly, biting the inside of my cheek, "Oh no sorry!" She laughed nervously, "You're just really pretty and I haven't seen you before." 

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