Chapter 62

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My relations with Rhys were at the oddest point so far.

It all started with us dating, then months later breaking up, me ignoring him for three weeks, staying in his house for another few weeks, slowly becoming friends again, before I broke and asked him to fuck me, in which he did, he literally fucked me for hours, over and over... and over again.

Now we were onto another week, and this week, was nothing but sex.


As soon as he got home from work I was on him, and he carried me to the couch, our clothes all left behind on the floor when he takes me, kisses me, fucks me.

It happened when I went to the office.

Immediately when I heard his shower run I joined.

When we went downstairs to eat.

It happened in the shower, the kitchen, my bed, his bed, the couch, the bathroom counter, his office, everywhere.

We had sex everywhere humanly possible.

And that was because of me, because as soon as I saw him I was tugging his shirt off or unbuttoning his pants and he was in the mood for it every time which was very convenient on my end.

But we weren't exactly together again.

We just had a crap load of really good sex.

And thats it.

I didn't even talk to him much, so its easy to assume nothing really changed between us, apart from the sex.

But this morning he left earlier than usual for work, and I knew, since I was in his bed the previous night, I was too engrossed in our sex to have cared about him talking though and I know it.

Which is why now I brought him cheesecake, because as much as we were nothing but two people who shared a house and had sex everyday, he was still my friend, and I still loved him not like a friend and I didn't want him to feel like I was just using him.

I wasn't.

I wanted to be close to him and sex was the only way i'd let myself actually be close to him for now. For some reason, my stubborn brain still needed more time.

I sigh softly, knocking on his door and not waiting for an answer before I walk in.

But when I do walk in my eyes widened because I saw that he was not... alone.

Some guy was beside him on the couch and they were looking at something on the laptop.

And I blinked again, feeling a little flustered from in trusting till they looked back at me as soon as the door closed on its own accord, much too loud to have been the wind but it was definitely because i'd dropped my hand from the handle.

And I stared, because damn, the guy was handsome as hell.

Almost as attractive as Rhys.

"I- I uh, sorry, hello." I blurt out and the guy cocks his head to the side making a strand of his dirty blonde hair fell over his eye, his eyes a light green, almost like the bottom of a pond, clear and quite pretty, "Hello."

I clear my throat. "Sorry rude im Calliope Sweeney, its very nice to meet you." He probably knows my brother, so that should give him the gist of it.

His lips twitch up, and theres a dimple in his left cheek, only the left cheek, "Nickolas Morales, you too sweetheart."

Wow even his name was attractive if it that was possible.

But wait.


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