Chapter 34

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Since I was a kid, one little comment was all it took to break me down. Why? because I had so much pent up.

So... one little comment was all it took to get to me.

I was extremely sensitive in most cases. Always have been.






I had a problem, and I knew I did.

I knew it all my life, I knew that I was an avoider.

I was someone who cried immediately when something happened but avoided it after, acting like it hadn't happened at all, forcing myself to forget and never actually healing and I knew it'd always come back to bite me in the ass.

But I didn't care, because at the time healing was way harder than faking.

And so here I was, crying over some awfully rude guy who was an asshole to me all because I didn't end up giving him something as tedious as my number.

He'd called me awful names, stuff that made me want to run away and hide in my bedroom like I did when I was eleven, acting like I was okay, acting like my parents death didn't have an affect on me, acting like getting cheated on so much wasn't almost damaging in some way.


Flat chested.

Was that all I was to a man? A piece of flesh?

I may have not be all double D's but I was a B cup, and plus, so what if I was flat fucking chested? Huh? What game him the right to comment on my body? On any women's body for that matter.

What the hell.

Words hurt.

And, people always acted like they didn't. Like we were emotionless, not allowed to be offended to their hurtful words.

I wiped my face of any dry tears as my lips formed into a frown and I walked over to Rhys's office. Not bothering to speak to anyone, not even to Mikel when I passed by his desk, I'm not even entirely sure he was behind there right now

I just opened Rhys's office doors, slamming it shut behind me without meaning to and he looked away from his laptop on his desk and over to me.


He blinks.

"Am I not sexy... or something?" I questioned bluntly, hoping he'd give me back an honest answer, even if hurts, maybe I could cry myself to sleep if I cried long enough.

I wiped at my surely flushed cheeks, a choked sobbed leaving my mouth and he blinked over at me, what I could only pinpoint as confusion and worry on his handsome face.

"What?" He asked, sounding a little taken aback by the abruptness of my question as he pushed his chair back and walked over to me.

"Am I flat chested? Do you think im ugly, well sometimes?" I cried out the last bit, my words croaky as I opened my arms and stumbled to meet him in the middle of the office.

As soon as his arms were on me he pulled me into him and I pressed my face into his chest and sobbed, my cries louder and throatier and I hated that he was seeing me this way but right now he was the only person I wanted near me, especially after how open we were to one another lately.

He was my friend and I needed my friend.

"I jus- I know my body, im not all full and curvy everywhere." I sobbed, swallowing softly. "I know, but I don't want to be called that crap in any case." I mumbled, biting the inside of my cheeks when my cries began to soften and I realized my previous cries were probably embarrassingly loud.

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