Chapter 4

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It was around four days after i'd moved to Miami, around four days since I saw my brother again after 8 months of him being back in Miami, and four days after I settled into a place thats heat should've been illegal.

Because of the heat I had unknowingly walked into I was at the house in a dark blue sundress that even I had no idea i'd owned until I took it out my second bag Spencer packed, no shoes on because that would cause unnecessary warmth I would most definitely not welcome.

Yet for some reason, here I was, baking peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies, already feeling unbearably warm and kind of tired but this was all I wanted to do right now.

For the past 2 days i'd just been lazing around the place, most of my days I spent watching tv, cooking and baking for both Ambrose and I but thats about it, plus i'd been baking way too much causing Ambrose to take the baked goods to work even, he'd told me I was ruining his clean diet. Honestly, I didn't believe he had a clean diet to begin with.

I told him take out isn't a good diet anyway and he flipped me off right before he left for work. When I was done with the cookies and let them get cool on a rack I put them into an airtight container, just about to flop back on the couch and resume watching the cooking channel till my phone rang on the counter top.

I flipped it over just to see my brothers name and rose a a quizzical brow at the screen.

Ambrose was always busy, exceptionally busy which is why i'd felt kinda confused for him to call me while he was at work.

Hoping nothing bad happened I answered the call, pushing my hair back and yawning lightly.


"Are you busy?"

I blinked. "When am I ever busy idiot?"

"So rude." He mumbled and I snorted, shaking my head lightly. "Can you come to my office? There's something I wanted to show you but forgot to in the morning."

"Depends on what you're showing me to be honest, im kinda lazy."

"You'll live Dylan."

I rolled my eyes. "Can I drive?"

"Felix is already on his way."

"You know Felix doesn't have to drive me around everywhere." Or anywhere. "Right?" I said more than asked, hoping he'd realized I wasn't just his little sister anymore, I was a twenty year old woman who was perfectly capable of driving myself around, plus im sure Felix was probably annoyed of driving me around even if he wouldn't admit it aloud.

"I know you feel bad but its his job Dylan, its really not a problem on his part."

"Yeah but its unnecessary."

I could hear the annoyance in his tone when he spoke up once again, "Okay fine you can drive yourself around when you actually understand Miami's roads, k?"

I rolled my eyes, even thought he had a point, i'd have to use a GPS till I got used to it but that wasn't a problem, I didn't mind driving myself either, I got my license at seventeen for a reason.

"Yeah, whatever."

"Great, can you bring me cookies?"

I scoffed, knowing he meant the cookies i'd made two days ago. "I actually made another batch today-"

"Great now I have to go, press the 44th floor after using your key."

Damn, the 44th? "Okay." Was all I replied back with before he ended the call and I began to pack seven cookies into another smaller container for my brother, admittedly two of those were for me as I made my way there.

After what seemed like seconds as I ran upstairs to my new bedroom that was four times the size of my old bedroom, I got my trainers and slipped them on and got downstairs just when I heard a car honk and knew exactly who it was.

I grabbed the cookies from the counter top as well as the cute clear bottle filled with water that Ambrose got me after seeing the blue and pink baking utensil prints on it.

I locked the door behind me and jogged down the five small steps and walked over to his car, pushing my hair behind my ears as I opened the passenger side door of the car and slipped inside, closing it and turning to grin and Felix who shook his head at me and drove.

"Seatbelt Ms Sweeney."

"You can call me Calliope, Felix."

"You're already way too friendly for your own good, I prefer Ms Sweeney." He spoke dryly but the ends of his lips tilting upward said otherwise.

I was about to speak on it till we went over a bump and my bottle was unfortunately not exactly closed, some spilled over my lap and on the end of my dress and my eyes widened as I muttered a quiet, bloody hell, under my breathe and I closed the bottle.

"Wow you really are British, bloody hell, plus the thick accent too." He mocked and teased and I rolled my eyes.

"First my brother now you Felix." I shook my head. "Im disappointed."

He chuckled lightly and I grinned, the thought of the patch of water on my dress long gone. Thankfully it wasn't actually noticeable since my dress was dark and it was only a little spot at the hem.

After sometime, much longer than I expected, around half an hour we finally got to the office building that had me marveling once again.

For some reason it all began to feel like Ambrose's usual life was some sort of luxury i'd never once thought was actually capable of reach for real people like us- or well, in this case, me.

"You can go in Calliope."

I opened the side door before I shot him a wink over my shoulder, he didn't return it, just rolled his eyes with a smile at me and I got out the car.

But before I could close the door I opened it again and he looked at me with a confused expression.

"Open your hand please."

The burly tall blonde man looked actually quite nervous but did so anyway, opened his palm out for me and I slapped a cookie down on it, surprised it didn't break at my force.

"I hope you're not allergic to peanut butter, or chocolate, or anything that a cookie contains."

He snorted. "Im not."

I grinned. "Great, see you later Felix!"

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