Chapter 40

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The wedding was beautiful.

There were so many beautiful flowers that i'd spent most of my time admiring them than anything else, a gorgeous cake courtesy of my team and I, plus food galore, so many different buffet stations that I had no idea where to start, absolutely stunning decorations that i'd marveled at it all as soon as I entered, and the people were so nice, everyone spoke to everyone and it was probably the most fun I had this week.

But sometime through the night all of it slowly got to me, watching other people with their significant others, the kissing and subtle touching, everything and everyone was so romantic.

The atmosphere made me think of Rhys a lot more than i'd like to admit.

Thinking of the sweet and dirty words, thinking of the way he touched me, kissed me, the way he ran his knuckles down my spine in the morning before he pulled me closer to him so I couldn't leave.

I couldn't stop think, so I just distracted myself by talking to everyone.

But now as I made my way to my car after the wedding, I bit at my cheek nervously, half listening to Ki and Kauai and the other half of me not.

The other half was currently overthinking.

"If you liked someone would you tell them?" I blurted out at the two in the middle of the venues parking lot, all three of us coming to a stop, almost like we'd formed a triangle as the twins looked to me.

"You like someone?" Kauai asked me slowly, a little wide eyed as she crossed her arms over her chest and I nodded slowly, swallowing harshly.

"I do."

"Does he like you?" Ki asked, both not prying with names because they knew i'd tell them when I'm ready, which I wasn't,so I just nodded again.

"He does."

"Then don't overcomplicate things, I learnt that with Si."

My lips twitched at the little nickname she'd used for her boss, aka, her complicated relations partner.

"So what're ya'll doing?"

"Nothing official, but it was my decision, its just that im just- im young and im not sure if this is permanent yet but babe if our circumstances are different take that to consideration, like if the guy doesn't have a kid and you're sure you want to be with him, then be with him."

Kiana nods in agreement, "Not trying to be corny, but life really is too short, and not everyone has the chance to be with the person they want, so if you do you should take it."

I nodded slowly, taking in their words and at the end of it I knew exactly what I wanted do. Life is short and being scared is okay.

But i'm not going to let being scared get in the way of something good.

"Could you tell Jes im staying with you, if he asks?" I say almost a little nervously and Ki nods. "Will do."

"Get your man!"

I cover my warm cheeks with my hands but nod, I will be getting my man! Or at least try to.

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