Chapter 56

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When I walk inside the office building I tell myself to calm down.

Theres still slight a possibility that Hugo was the one lying. There was a possibility that Rhys was the good one in all of this.

A very slim chance that Hugo lied and Rhys was just unknowing and he actually loved me enough to not lie to me and this was just some fucked up issue that could be solved in moments with Rhys's answer.


Thats it.

Breathe Calliope, breathe.

So right now, I give Rhys the benefit of the doubt, and I give him more chance.

Thats it.

Im giving him a chance to tell me the truth, to look at me and tell me if what Hugo had said was a lie or not.

Because in the end who was Hugo to me till now? No one. Rhys was my boyfriend for months, he was the person's word I was supposed to trust first, so i'd hear him out.

One. Last. Chance.

"Rhys." I say, standing behind his desk and as he works he doesn't look up to me but he does nod, he does want to listen to what I have to say, I guess.

Maybe he won't want to listen when I start talking.

I take a long deep breathe before I ask it, "Who is Hugo's mother?"

He just continues writing, not once looking up even when he talks, "What? This again?"


"I don't know." He says dryly.

I don't know? Huh?

"Tell me."

"Calliope, I do not know."




Why is he lying to me?

I know he's lying, he isn't even looking at me right now.

I nod slowly anyway, my blood boiling in my veins, and traveling throughout my whole body, white hot anger, red warm anger, every freaking color of anger.


I lean closer over the desk, grabbing what files he was writing on and grabbed it, throwing it off the desk and he finally fucking looks up to me, eyes wide in confusion.

"What the fuck Calli?"

"Look me in the face when you lie to me Emrhys." I say as I lean back on the desk, hands still holding on the edge, a desk where he has fucked and kissed me, a desk where he opened my legs and delved in me, now a desk where he has lied to me.

A desk with memories of intimacy but arguing with him was by far the most intimate. We never argued, never.

Till today.


"You're lying to me, aren't you?" I ask him, trying to keep my anger down but right now I feel like im at the tip of rage ready to fall down into a spiral of tears and screaming.

Im not good at the anger emotion. Not good at the sadness one either. Which is why I was not taking this good right now.

He doesn't reply, he just stares at me, probably because I could feel wetness coat over my cheeks which meant I was already silently crying.

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