Chapter 3

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"Thank you Fix it Fe-"

"You're making it really easy not to like you, you know that?" Felix interjected halfway through my sentence as he brought the car to a stop in front of a modular styled house that I gawked at.

Just how rich was Ambrose actually?

He lived in a secure estate where almost all the houses were two story and white or gray with some wooden parts, one thing in common is that all looked extremely expensive- all looked like it was worth more than how much i'd spend in my entire life.

Beautiful and modern would be an understatement, but it wasn't homely, just pretty to look at- but then again, my brother wasn't building a home, he stayed alone from what I knew, didn't even have a girlfriend if im not mistaken- unless this is what he thought of as home.

"Hey, Felix." I spoke up to him beside me as he dropped the second bag at my side, pulling the suitcase handle up for me and he hummed, as if silently telling me to continue.

"How long have you worked for my brother?"

"A few months, why?"

"Does he have a girlfriend?" I questioned as I looked to him on my side and he blinked in return, as if he thought he'd heard the wrong thing.

"Uh- maybe not exactly- or that i'd know of."

I rose a brow. "Not exactly?"

He scratched the back of his head. "Well, I think you should ask him that yourself."

"So is he dating anyone?"

"I think he is, kind of, I think." He affirmed me and my brows pinched together further. "Wait, what? Whats her name!?"

He blinked at me again. "I really think you should just ask Ambrose yourself Calliope."

"Why? He won't mind if you tell me." I mumbled out the last bit, a little offended that he thought my brother was secretive when it came to telling me his relationship status- even though it did seem like he was from the looks of it.

"Its a tad bit more complicated than just that."

Im sure it's not but I didn't want to pry further so I just shrugged it off and looked to the driveway that lead up to where two cars out the garage were parked. I wondered if there were more cars on the inside of it?


"Is he home?"

"Probably but if not just wait a little while, he said he'll be here soon." He affirmed me as he rounded the car once again, I turned around and waved at him with the usual grin on my face.

He rolled his eyes but waved back at me nonetheless moving into the car causing my grin to deepen.

I turned to the house far too big for one, or two, or even three people and taking a step forward towards it, then another, and another and a few more till I'd crossed the distance and was in front of the brown colored door.

I knocked on the door continuously, a rhythm slowly forming as I began rocking from the tips of my toes to the soles of my foot until the door finally opened.

Ambrose shot me a pointed look, a phone attached to his ear and I grinned widely, ignoring the look of annoyance plastered on his face from my insistent knocking and going in for a tight hug beneath his arm.

He rolled his eyes but side hugged me too with his free hand, still speaking to someone about some tech project.

I took this chance to roll my eyes at it till he ended the call and tapped my head softly.

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