Chapter 45

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Waking up to Rhys was my favorite thing, even if he woke up an hour after me, but seeing his face in the morning felt like a heaven i'd like to be in everyday.

I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his jaw, just for him to pull me closer, knowing exactly what that meant, it was a good morning kiss, an, im leaving the bed kiss and he didn't want that yet.

He groans softly, stirring half awake half asleep before he moves closer to me and lays his head between my neck and shoulder, making himself comfortable as his arms wrap around my waist.


He hummed in acknowledgement.

"Im too awake to fall asleep."


"So move."

"I don't want to." He mumbled, pecking my neck a few times but I couldn't even be annoyed, I smiled. All he did was make me smile. And it felt good to smile this much.


"Just a minute Calli."

I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel good to be held, especially by Rhys. So I gave in, letting him keep me there for ten more minutes till my bladder was sure to burst.

"Now?" I asked, as if I didn't want to be in here. Truth was I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here but I really need to freaking pee.

"Rhys I need to pee." I grumble, wiggling myself in his hold.

He groaned, "Fine."

I smiled, and untangled myself from him which was much harder because his hold had only weakened a little. When I was finally out of his arms i'd slipped out of the bed and pulled my hair up into a bun as I got into the bathroom.

After I was done and showered I got one of his shirts over my body and looked to the bed, where he had once again fallen asleep.

I rolled my eyes at that and made my way downstairs, yawning lightly as I got to the last step just to hear my phone ring on the kitchens counter almost immediately.

I sighed softly as I walked over to it, rubbing my fist over my eye, quickly answering it before it was left unanswered and in doing so not checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" I said, leaning on the counter.

"Calliope?" Kiana replied, and I rose a brow.

Why did she sound so surprised?

Then I moved the phone back from my ear and looked to the screen, which was when i'd noticed that this was not my phone.

It was Rhys's.


"Uh hey Ki..." I drawled out the nickname almost awkwardly. I really just wanted to slap myself across the damned face right now, specifically because I hadn't told Kiana and Kauai yet and this was gonna be how they found out instead of some random phone call like with Spencer. Well this was a random phone call too, but it wasn't the best situation. 

"What're you doing with Blackburns phone?"

I cleared my throat. "I just came to his house for something."

"At nine in the morning?" It was nine?

I actually woke up later than usual then.

"He wanted food?"

"Are you the food?"

I shut my eyes closed, silently praying that this was some joke and I could erase the past few minutes if I tried hard enough. "What are you on about?"

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