Chapter 53

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Over the week Kiana had been staying with my brother on and off again, which was a clear indication on how things were going in their relationship.

I knew it was going good and that was great news not only for them, but for me.

I loved it because whenever she was at my brothers place I was at Rhys's, which was exactly where I wanted to be.

Playing board games, baking, forcing him to watch movies with me, having the best sex ever and even so much as going out to the beach that i'd learned was privately owned by him.

He said he just owned it because he didn't want anyone making noise on the beach.

I just stared at him, wondering if it was a joke but when he didn't laugh, I knew it wasn't.

Then I was also confused because I often saw families on the beach and he told me that the only people who could go on the beach were the people who lived here on the same road as him, since he knew their kids liked the beach.

And as much as it was rude to not particularly like the adults, I couldn't stop smiling, because he cared about the kids, and somewhere deep down he probably actually liked the kids.

In truth, I knew Rhys only liked kids who were not sticky and dogs that were not small and loud, but he'd never admit it to anyone. Not even me, or maybe me, I'm going to make a mental note to ask him in the future.

But now it was Christmas day and I was so much more than happy to have been told that dinner was informal, meaning no fancy dresses and pricy jewelry, because in all honesty, I needed to be able to eat like a ferret on Christmas and I didn't want to be wearing a tight dress right now. 

So I put on long sleeve white shirt and fitted blue and white checkered skirt and straightened my hair that'd grown down to my elbows before I walked downstairs, putting my earrings on ear just to see Kiana in the kitchen, filling a cup with water and I walked over to get my own.

"I didn't even know you were here last night." I said with a small smile and she shrugged, being careful not to smudge her red lipstick as she takes a drink of water, even if a small stain is left behind on the glass when she puts it down to the counter.

She was using a red shirt and jean and we were both using similar small silver hoop earrings which made me grin.

"You gonna tell him tonight?"

I shrug, "Maybe, although it sounds like a shitty present to give him." I clear my throat, putting the cup down to the counter before I speaking, "Merry Christmas I'm shagging your best friend." I say with jazz hands and she chokes on her water, coughing out a laugh as I roll my eyes with a small smile, biting my tongue to bite down my own laughter.

"What're you laughing at?" Jes asks as he suddenly appears behind us in the kitchen too, running his hands through his hair as he walks around the counter to get his cars keys and my eyes widen.

"Just something Spencer told Dylan earlier." Kiana says, saving me of the explanation as she hooks our arms over and puts down her glass of water so we can leave.

I nod along, walking with her to the door and he raises a brow, "What'd she say?"

"I forgot!"

✶ ✶ ✶

As soon as I was in Florence's house Luxe was hugging me, which was very unsurprising since it was our thing now, always hugging.

"Merry Christmas!" She says, both of us moving from side to side with our arms still around one another and I smile, "Merry Christmas to you too." I say, moving back from the hug and walking down the stairs beside her and she looks to Kiana and Jesse close-by behind me.

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