Chapter 35

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It was around 8pm when I opened the house door, knowing my brother would've slapped me upside the head for not checking who it was beforehand but it wasn't me being reckless this time.

Jes had told me who'd come by later today, and I wasn't surprised when I saw just the man I thought would be here on the other side of the door.

"I can't believe you didn't go."

"Stop being bitter." Rhys mumbled back as he pushed the door open further, walking in and knocking my shoulder on his way. "I can stay alone for a few nights, I told you, im an adult, repeat it after me, Calli is an adult."

He just blinked at me, definitely because he wasn't gonna repeat it after me. "You have a blowup mattress on your floor Calliope."

I blinked over at the mattress that laid in front of the tv in the middle of the lounge room, an innocent mattress that has now been picked on by Rhys. "Its so I can sleep down here when I watch movies at night."

"Like a kid?" He sounded monotone but I could hear the taunting in his words as he opened the regular sized fridge beside the cold room and I flipped him off not so discreetly.

He ignored me as he took a water bottle out before closing the door, breaking the seal and gulping down almost half the bottle.

"Like an adult." I added.

"Whatever you say."

I rolled my eyes and got back to my baking slash cooking as he moved over to the barstool at the opposite side of the counter. "What're you making?"

"You're staying?"

"Do you want me to?"

Was that a trick question? "No." I lied smoothly and he snorted knowingly.

"I'll go later."

"You can go now."

"Whats wrong?" He asked, genuinely sounding concerned, but I just shrugged because how would I explain that im pretty sure if we're alone we'd probably end up doing- stuff, and I was unsure if we should be doing said, stuff, 

"I mean, you should go before it starts hailing."

He rose a brow at that because it probably was already hailing.


"Im making custard." I sighed softly and told him instead of shooing him away and he hummed in response, watching me stir the pots contents.

I hummed till I was finally done stirring it, when it was just right I tasted it with the edge of the spoon and grinned, I made it just sweet enough.

I took it off the stove to cool and took a bowl to eat some before it got too cold.

"Want some?"

He shook his head and I tried to hide my frown, biting my bottom lip as I took a spoonful. After I got a smaller spoon I went over to sit beside him, pushing my hair behind my ears and licking my spoon.

"How was work?"

He shrugged from beside me. "The same as it is everyday, you?"

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