Chapter 39

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Rhys POV

"I have no fucking clue what i'd said in there." I told Ambrose honestly as we left the meeting that was far too early for my liking, tugging my tie down with one hand as I took my phone out my pocket to check the time with the other and he snorted in return.

"Only you can ramble enough to make something sound authentic man, I had to plan."

"Which you barely did." I drawled as I pressed the elevator button and he nodded in affirmation as we got inside, pressing another button. "I didn't have time to prepare."

"Were you doing something actually important?"

"Im hurt that you're implying that all I do is have sex whenever my sister isn't around."

I rose an unconvinced brow. "So that's not what you were doing?"

"I didn't say that." He mumbled as we walked out when the doors opened and I scoffed, shaking my head at the thought.

We were prepared enough to get the deal though, so it didn't matter, but we couldn't make this a habit. "Be more prepared next time." I told him as we got out and walked through the next floor.

"I would've but Dylan was back home like a minute after I got back, talking about dresses, like I had any fucking clue what she was on about but she was excited so." He shrugged, I tried to keep down a smile at the thought of her rambling on about clothing and the wedding she'd be attending today.

Calli was home a lot, even I knew that much and because of that Ambrose tried to be awfully sexually active whenever she wasn't home which was yesterday for a small space of time when she'd probably been out browsing dresses with Kauai and Kiana.

At the thought of her my mind seemed to wonder into places it shouldn't when her damned brother was walking beside me but I couldn't fucking help it.

Even if I tried to prepare for today I wouldn't have been able to because all I could think about was her and the days before, literally, im not fucking kidding, only Calliope.

The freckles over her chest, the way her eyes crinkled at the ends whenever she smiled making the dimple in her cheek come to surface against her smooth skin, the sound of her moans which drove me fucking insane.

The feeling of her hands in mine, playing with my fingers and the way she spoke in the mornings when she made breakfast. Her accent was so much more prominent when she woke up and I knew i'd be able to spend hours listening to her ramble about different freaking cake batters if it meant i'd get to hear her without any interruption.

Her slow lazy kisses when she woke up that were more addicting than drugs and the soft good mornings against my mouth as she ran her hands unto my hair that made me wish the weekend wouldn't end.

The feeling of her nails running down my shoulders before they dug into my back, the soft curve of her hips on my lips, the way she'd mumbled on about the hip dips of hers that she disliked, yet it not once took away from her beauty even if she thought it did and the smell of her delicately sweet perfume that radiated off of her.

She was an addiction. She was my addiction

Every moment we spent together was my favorite moment even if it sounded really fucking cheesy, but it was the truth, even when we just watched tv together, when she laughed, smiled, glared.



It all made me want to be with her even more, not for the sex which was just as fucking perfect too but because I genuinely liked being around her.

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