Chapter 65

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Emrhys and I were back to normal for around six months now.

Six really good months and of course our birthdays had past over that time too, just a weeks difference and I was so damn excited for his, as if mine wasn't a week after.

We didn't do much though, just binged watched movies because of me and he didn't work on both days, because of me.

And of course, I baked us cakes, which he of course barely ate from, except for the cheesecake I baked a day later since that was the only sweet think he actually liked.

Apart from me. Of course.

After a month of getting back together I decided therapy was a good route to help me process my childhood fully, plus work through my parents deaths, and Rhys supported my decision.

I went to therapy once a week, every Thursday for two months, and lowered to only when I needed it after those two months were up since i'd made significant progress over the time.

And every single Thursday Rhys got me flowers and a cupcake filled with Nutella after my sessions, not once did he miss it, which if possible made me fall even more in love with him.

After it happened- three times in a row, I noticed the pattern and I asked him, why, and he said, because I'm proud of you.

It was a simple sentence but it made me smile.

And I was honestly proud of me too.

I was happy that therapy was helping us, not just me, because I could easily talk about my childhood with him without wanting to tear anymore and I also learnt to always speak up when I had a problem with something.

And so it was better, because I felt better.

The rest of the time we lived together was the same as before, our routine back to how it was when we moved in together the very first time.

Every morning one of us was kissed awake by the other and every night I was taken up to our bed by him when I fell asleep watching tv on the couch downstairs.

Every morning was our breakfast that I still enjoyed making and of course, he still got the coffee that was unreachable to me, this was after he had practically thrown out the step stool so he could help me all the time.

And I kid you not, I'm really damn serious. I legitimately think he threw it away because I couldn't find it anywhere anymore.

Jokes on him, i'll just get a new one, a bright hot pink one too so it stands out and matches nothing else in the house.

Almost everyday lunch was in his office and I stayed in there for longer than expected just to annoy him, which he actually didn't mind and I think he kind of encouraged it, he even got me a bunch of culinary magazines too.

If that wasn't enticing I don't know what is.

And everyday was amazing.

Till now.

Because I just had a freaking pregnancy scare a few minutes ago.

My first ever pregnancy scare in my entire life.

So of course I was a little anxious right now because I was on my way to his office.

Why exactly was I on my way to the office?

Because I needed to know where Rhys and I were when it came to this because I didn't want to feel nervous and scared if I was ever actually pregnant.

So I wanted to know his stance on children.

Right now.

As in midday.

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