Chapter 43

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I didn't call him back on Tuesday.

Not even on Wednesday or Thursday, and it felt like fucking hell. But I just didn't have it in me to call, or answer, or maybe I was just kinda insane.

But the days never stopped and kept going by and when Saturday came rolling around I was wiping the tables at the bakery, alone because i'd wanted to try some new recipes but now I was too tired and ready to leave.

But someone knocked on the door and I yelled out that it was closed, continuing to wipe down the counter for any crumbs but the incessant knocking didn't stop, not even for a second and I rolled my eyes as I walked over to the door.

Opening it up harshly, already a little more snappy today and when my eyes met familiar dark brown ones my heart dropped and I think my jaw dropped with it.

"Michael." I murmured and he looked at me for a second before looking back to the bakery behind me, and for some reason, I didn't like it, not at all.

"Hey Popi."

I almost grimaced at the nickname coming out his mouth, one he'd began to use on me after hearing my best friend use it. He always was uncreative, I mean cheating on me with my friend? Whats new and original about that?

"What're you doing here... in Miami?" I asked him, stressing on the city's name, as if this was completely insane and he shrugged, his hands in his pants pockets.

"I came for a convention, im leaving in a few days."

I nod slowly, "Okay? Why are you here?" As in why are you here, talking to me.

"Can we go inside?"

"I don't think so."

He cocks his head to the side a little, "Popi."

"Calliope." I emphasize on my name and he blinked once, then again. "Yeah, okay Calliope, can we just talk?"

There was no harm in hearing him out because i'd never be convinced anyway. I sighed softly and let him in.

He walked past me and I moved back to keep from him touching me.

Who knew where the hell he'd been?

He walked inside, looking around the place and I swallowed when I closed the door. "Its a nice place."

He never was good with compliments, or anything endearing, not like Rhys who made my insides double over.

"Thanks." I said as I followed behind him, he sat down on a bar stool near the counter and I moved around, swallowing.

"Do you want anything?" I didn't want to give him anything, he'd be lucky if I didn't bill him for so much as using the oxygen in here.

"Nah im good." He said, his british accent thicker than I remember, or maybe it was just how used to the American one i'd become accompanied with from the people around me.

"Look Calliope, I miss you."

I waited to feel something.

Waited to feel a warmth, a caress, something that made this feel like it was more than just words.

But I felt nothing.

Not like when Rhys murmured it into my hair the night before he'd left, not like when he kissed me and told he'd miss me. Just the thought of Rhys made a smile slip onto my lips, flutters accompanying it all over in my stomach.

I didn't want Michael, the only person I wanted was a certain tall man who liked cheesecake and had the most beautiful eyes in the world.

"Michael I don't think you understand that im not gonna be dating you again, I made a life here, and im happier here."

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