Chapter 31

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Somehow, my brother was far too drunk to drive.

And it was already nearing one in the morning when we'd got out of that huge yet simultaneously crowded building.

So Ambrose of course said the dumbest thing known to man from beside me over to Rhys causing me to freeze, because it was seriously like- the dumbest thing ever.

"We'll stay at your place, we're too far out."

It wasn't a lie, unfortunately it was an hour and a half drive out to get here and we'd be home far too late if we drove back now. "Where's your house?" Kiana asked Rhys the golden question and he shrugged. "Its like half an hour away."

I didn't reply but the other two nodded. "Yeah okay, i'll drive with Ambrose, he'll tell me where to go." Ki nodded as she spoke, both separating from us and walking over to the other car and my eyes widened as I watched them walk away.

"Im going with them."

"No you're not."

I blinked as I looked away from Kiana and Ambrose.


"Are you coming?" Rhys asked me as he walked away, hands in his pockets and I blinked at his back before I asked, "Are you teasing me?"

"No, you're just being dirty."

"I am not dirty!" I hissed over at him, slipping my heels off my feet so I could jog over a little better.

"You avoided me the entire night and now you're asking me if im coming, with you?" I asked him and i'd notice that he'd rolled his eyes when he turned back around to look at me, leaning on his car door.

"You're the one who told me to leave you alone tonight."

"That includes now as well, so at least be a bloody consistent wanker."

He blinked at me. "Just get in the car."

"Why the hell did you kiss me? Three times?! And we also almost kissed yesterday too, well we did actually kiss yesterday but that was you and it was like a quick kiss but Rhys! Look at us!" I threw my hands in the air after the ranting, exasperated with our situation but he looked quite okay with everything.

"Calli, the first time you kissed me, and secondly, you keep giving me your little fuck me eyes." 

My lips parted and I gasped lightly before I closed my eyes, "Fine, is this better?"

"Much." Was all I got from him before I felt him pick me up from my legs and throw me over his shoulder, all in one quick fluid motion.

My eyes shot back open and I screeched as he walked us around to the passenger side of the car, "Emrhys bloody Blackburn, put me the hell down right now!"

"You sound a lot more British when you're angry Calli."

I glared at nothing in particular

"Don't call me that! Its Calliope to you as of now!"

"I'll call you whatever I want to."

"Oh fuck off."

"Uh huh." He mumbled as he opened the door, dropping me inside on the passenger seat before slamming it shut. I tried to open but he just closed it sending me a pointed look.


I scoffed. "Im not a dog asshole."

"Ironic because right now you're acting a little like a bitch."

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