Chapter 25

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I got my feet out the pool moments after staring at his back because of what he'd said to me, still a little shocked that he'd said it without not one bit of a filter and a little stunned at my bodies reaction to him too.

I wasn't dumb enough to think I wasn't attracted to Rhys, but that reaction was a little more than the shivers up my spine and heat on my cheeks.

I cleared my throat, hoping it'd clear my thoughts too as I followed not too far behind him.

He opened the door for me and I walked in, not waiting as I made my way to my brother who was seated next to another man.

Only when I was close enough to them to actually see the mans face I'd realized that the man was the Mr Blackburn.

As in the soccer teams father.

Not thinking straight I turned around, ready to go anywhere but there just to bump right into Rhys who caught at my waist before I stumbled back and fell on my ass in front of these people.

I looked up to him and my eyes widened when our eyes met.

He dropped his hands almost immediately after I opened my mouth, just about to speak, I swallowed my words down my throat as I took a step back away from him.

"What's wrong?"

"Your dad." I hissed quietly and he looked over my head and proceeded to roll his eyes.

"So?" He asked when he looked back down to me, turning me around by my waist and I blinked at the feeling of his fingers digging into my waist lightly as he forced me to walk over there in short steps, I tried to ignore the feeling.

"My mom used to talk shit about him." The words seemed to tumble out my mouth without meaning to, with wide eyes I turned around to look at him over my shoulder, just to see the slightest of smirks grace his handsome face. "Your mother was a smart woman Calli."

I blinked away from him and looked ahead, trying not to fall flat on my face because he was touching me, there, and because he was pushing me forward.

I didn't remember much about my mother but I knew she was an English teacher, an amazing one at that. "She was." I said, stopping myself before I went too far into my reminiscing on the past when my parents were alive.

"They almost dated once too." He told me and my eyes widened when I looked over to him once again, "Seriously?"

He nodded. "Apparently, Adair told us about it, even if it was before any of us were born, including himself."

"What happened then?" I asked just as his hand slipped around my waist and he tugged me away from them causing me to smile.

I really didn't want to go there.

I think it was a little bit of a mistake coming here in general, since all i'd been doing so far is avoiding people anyway.

He shrugged, not seeming like he cared to be explaining further. "They just didn't."

"So why didn't they?" I questioned him as we got passed the throngs of people and got to a far corner couch.

I crossed my legs, tightening my ponytail before I sat back down on the white leather couch.


"Because what?" I asked curiously, cocking my head to the side as he shrugged, he cracked his knuckles and I watched till he said, "I don't know."

I blinked up at him. "You're not the brightest lightbulb in the electrical store."

He smiled down at his hands before he directed it to me and my inside doubled over, now I was the one left staring at him.

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