Chapter 26

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The rest of the night I spent with Luxe upstairs in her bedroom, which felt like an entire twenty minute trip to get to through this big house filled with what was probably hundreds of people.

We'd spent a little bit of time on some drinking and then talking and laughing till she began to explain to me about why exactly she wanted to go to London, which left me a little shocked.

"Isn't that a little dangerous though?" I asked her softly, not wanting to offend her in anyway and she shrugged. "We've spoken like everyday."

"I know but have you seen her ever since then?"

She played with the end of her pillow, nibbling on her bottom lip and shook her head causing me to raise a brow.

"It's important that you do though."

"Thats not really our thing, but I know its her Dylan, like I know how she speaks too."

I bit at my lip too and nodded, "I guess you're right."

She smiled a small smile.

Her best friend, Shelley, had moved away around six years ago, all the way to London, they kept in contact through letters, even if we all had access to phones, but they wanted to keep their friendship to letters to keep the pen pal relationship they'd had even when she lived here alive.

It was cute and it was obvious that Luxe had a thing for her.

"So you're going for the girl?"

"Well I always did want to go to London." She reasoned with me. "Plus, its not like I got in or anything, I have like a few months to hear about that and decide if its what I really want, but right now it is." She told me and I nodded in acknowledgment.

"I guess, true, just be happy and men suck so yeah, go for your best friend girl." I spoke in a light hearted tone, knowing she maybe wasn't ready as yet to say that she had feelings for Shelley so I wouldn't push and she giggled tinging red which made my smile broaden.

Yep, she definitely liked her.

She seemed to smirk at me before she asked, "Does my brother suck?"

I tilted my head to the side, "Well I like Adair, he's nice."

She snorted at that and I almost laughed too cause I'd known what she'd meant, or well- who. "Im talking about Rhys."

I oh'd as if I hadn't known that before I shrugged, "He's- well he's not all too bad, why?"

Her smirk morphed into a full grin which I was about to question when suddenly a knock came from the bed room door and we both looked to it at the same time.

"Who is it?"

"Lila and Frankie!" 

She crawled off the bed side, walking barefoot over the tiles as her heels were long abandoned to the side of the large room.

She opened the door and the two girls walked in, Frankie holding my bag i'd put my clothes for the club later in her hand.

"Hey Dylan, Ambrose said I should give you this." She said as she passed it over to me, Luxe closing the door behind them before she walked back over to us

I thanked Frankie before Lila spoke, "We need to get ready, do you want to get ready here with Luxe?" Lila asked and before I could speak Luxe said yes for me and grabbed at my arm causing me to snort, the girls chuckled but didn't seem to mind,  "Yeah, okay."

"Its already past nine?" I asked them and they nodded, "People started leaving at around eight, you two would've known if you hadn't been hibernating in here." Frankie joked, tugging at Luxe's sock, right down her foot before throwing it across the room causing Luxe to blink at the wall it had slid down.

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