Chapter 41

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Rhys and I, had a hell of a lot of stamina.

And I mean an unearthly amount.

As well as really high libido's, matching high libido's, because we both definitely didn't want to stop kissing or stop touching, not even for a second and I think the fact that he was leaving me the next day for two weeks made me want to be awake kissing him even more.

So after having sex in almost every single position we could in his office that left my body quite literally aching, we went home together, barely able to keep our hands off each other for that little space of time as we got in the car and out and back in his bedroom where we kissed and touch all over again, just this time it was much more comfortable.

I knew I wouldn't be able to keep from kissing him, touching him and wanting him any longer.

I really really liked him, all of him, more than i've liked anyone, ever.

And it scared me.

Which is why as I laid my head on the pillow, mindlessly drawing circles on his hand over my stomach, I prepared myself to tell him how it would have to be if we did this.

When he tugged me closer, kissing my cheek I swallowed, staying a few more minutes in the blissful silence before I finally said it, "We need to talk."

He hummed, kissing down to my jaw and I turned around, moving over and onto him, my knees digging into the bed on either side of him, still naked from last night so I quickly leaned over the bed and got his shirt on the nightstand, pulling it over my body and he rubbed his palms over my thighs as I pushed his hair back, leaning down and kissing his cheek softly.

"I don't want to be in a public relationship yet Rhys." I admitted softly, so soft that I hope it was reassuring him that it wasn't because of him, it was just me.

I wanted him.

And hell I wanted people to know he was mine.

But honestly, I didn't want to face the embarrassment of getting cheated on again, especially by Rhys, the pity i'd receive would be never ending because damn, this man was freaking perfect.

His hands tightened around the back of my thighs as I laid my head down on his chest again, knowing he didn't like it but he probably wouldn't mine too much.

"But- I really like the sex." I mumbled out and he chuckled causing me to smile. "And I want to be with you, so lets not call it friends with benefits cause that sounds dumb and thats not at all what this is, I just- I want it to be just about us, our relationship, and I want us to still be together of course but I didn't want you to get the wrong idea so-"

He tilted my head up by my chin, stopping my rambling. "I understand Calli." He replied, kissing my lips softly and I sighed into his mouth.


"So obviously, no other women." I told him and he smirked against my mouth, probably taking note of my jealousy. "Never." He murmured back, our lips parting and I moaned when his fingers kneaded my ass as I kissed down his jaw. "Only you."

Only you.

Hmm. I liked that.

My phone rang, and he was about to lean over and pass it over to me when I took his hand instead, pulling it beneath the shirt and up the skin of my stomach. "They can wait a few minutes."

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