Chapter 48

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Because of Rhys we'd not seen his family on the day we got to Paris, instead we went to our hotel room and he'd told Luxe to act like i'd been sleeping in her room with her if anyone asked, which i'd doubt anyone actually cared.

I'd spent majority of my time admiring the hotel room, which was actually more like a two story loft that looked like it costed the same amount as a damn house since it looked like one.

We'd went up to bed, ordered food and spent majority of our time eating and talking till we eventually fell asleep, something we often did.

Now the day after I was slipping my clothes on as he waited for me downstairs and I stared at my hair as pulled it out from beneath my white and blue jersey.

I really wanted to dye it again, which was not gonna happen since I dyed my hair like two weeks ago already and honestly I didn't want to damage it more.

But, I also loved dying my hair.

I was in a predicament.

With that thought I walked downstairs and over to Rhys who was leaning on the counter, eating a granola bar and I poked his chest, he looked to me and I opened my mouth, taking a bite of the bar, liking the taste of the layer of milk chocolate at the bottom.

"I wanna dye my hair." I said after chewing and swallowing and he nodded twirling a piece of my hair that i'd left out and curled after putting the rest into a sleek low bun.

"What color?"

"I was thinking light brown." I intertwined my hands with his, taking another bite of the bar, chewing and swallow before I spoke, "Would you like it?"

He rolled his eyes. "I like you with any color hair Calli, do whatever you want to baby."

I cocked my head to the side. "So you don't like this color more than the others?" I ask cheekily and he raises a brow, "Meaning?"

"Meaning i've noticed how you play with my hair a lot more now."

His lips twitch up at the ends and he shrugs, "It's sexy, I did like it the most but you can do whatever with your hair and i'll still think you look beautiful."

I blush and I grinned widely, tapping my lips and he leaned down, kissing my mouth softly, "So sweet, are you buttering me up Blackburn?"

"Not at all." He says, turning me around and sliding his hand into mine as we make our way to the door and it only makes my smile grow that he say's nice things to me not for the purpose of getting something in return, but he says it just because he wants me to know I'm always beautiful to him.

He rubs my hand with his thumb as we get out the elevator, kissing my hand randomly and it makes my stomach churn.

He's so sweet and sexy, I think I'm gonna die.

As soon as we got downstairs we see his family come to sight, the few of them lounging on chairs and we let our hands go making me clench my fingers into a fist, unclenching and clenching again, hating the loss of contact.

He must notice because he speaks, "You miss it don't you?" He asks me as we walk closer and closer to them and I looked to him on my side. "What?"

"You want me to hold your hand, don't you?"

I did. Of course I did.

"What are you on about?" I ask instead, cocking my head to the side a little bit.

"I want to be able hold your hand you in public too, just think about that over the week." He says, his words vague and seemingly open to interpretation but I know exactly what he means.

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