Chapter 47

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His family had left an hour earlier than we had, and when i'd asked why he told me that he'd intentionally got us to go later because he wanted us to be alone before I saw the shit show.

I rolled my eyes at the reference to his family being what he called, the shit show.

But I wasn't gonna lie, I needed the sleep and alone time for now anyway, so as soon as we got onto the plane I'd went to the back where the bed was and he came with me, both of us falling asleep until I woke up at around 2pm but he remained asleep.

I stayed awake from then, getting out the bed and getting a water bottle from one of the mini fridges out front before I sat down in the leather seats that were so comfy that I'm sure I could've fallen asleep here too.

I sat with a comic in hand, passing time by reading through it just for another picture to fall out from between the middle pages and I rose a brow as I picked it up, turning it over and looking to it and my bottom lip immediately poured out when I saw it.

It was another picture of Rhys and his mom, she looked stunning even if she was just in a sundress and those big straw beach hats. He laid his head on her shoulder and he looked so small, his curly hair was damp over his forehead, a beach towel wrapped around him and he looked not more than ten which made want to let a loud, aww.

But what I noticed most, is that they didn't look rich here, they looked average, normal, like they were just living.

What had his father done to that poor sweet woman to make her never come around? She seems so close to Rhys here, but why is she never around in Miami then? Not even on a holiday? Or his birthday?

My thoughts were cut off when a hand came over to my shoulder, and I almost shrieked, bringing my hand over on top of his just to calm when I felt his fingers slip into mine. "You scared me idiot." I mumble and he rolls his eyes, looking to my lap.

"What're you doing?"

I look down and picked up the picture. "Found this." I said and I moved onto the arm rest for him to sit before I sat on his lap. He looked to the picture in my hands and only eyed it, not saying anything about it.

"When was this?"

"Too long ago to remember." He says and I nod.

"Do you keep all your pictures in books?"



"No ones gonna look in a box of books."

I grin as I look to him over my shoulder. "I did."

He smiled gently back, moving my hair away from my face. "You did."

The pilot announced that we'd be landing in Paris France anytime soon now and I squealed, shimmying on his lap and he groaned, his grip tightening on my hips to stop me from moving.

"Yeah, don't do that."

"Perv." I teased as I leaned in for a kiss and he rolled his eyes, kissing me first.

When we got up after landing i'd taken the picture from his hands as well as the comic and put it back into my carry on bag over my shoulders, then we'd got out the jet and I sighed, so happy we were out the plane and finally had some fresh air. 

But Rhys wasn't the same.

"Fucking hell its cold." He immediately hissed and I snorted, he was using a hoodie and sweats, but of course he was still cold.

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