Chapter 32

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Waking up to knocking on the door was probably the worst way to wake up, no matter where or who you were with, it really did absolutely suck, almost as annoying as an alarm.

I groaned, squirming around in my place on the bed for a few seconds as the knocking continued, pace not slowing, just growing louder and more rhythmical.

"Yes!" I called out when I could hardly take it anymore, about to bring my hands to my eyes but when I felt a slow rub on my side I looked down to my body just to see my hand in Rhys's.

He tugged me back and closer against him, snuggling into me and I blinked when he peppered the sweetest kisses down my neck gently.

This man was full of surprises.

"Open the door!" Kiana yelled out on the other side of the door and my eyes widened, still looking down to my hands that were intertwined with Rhys's, shifting my gaze to my naked legs, just his shirt covering my upper body and my panties beneath it.

Uh- yeah, no.

"Im naked!"

He snorted softly at that lie and I dug my fingers into his hand, his grip just tightened on mine causing me to pry his fingers off individually but all to no avail because he was stronger than me.

Who would've thought?

I rolled my eyes at my poor sarcasm.

"Get dressed and come downstairs, im bored, and hungry and Ambrose and Blackburn are both still asleep."

It was my turn to snort, not loud but I let it out because Blackburn was indeed not asleep, or he kinda was a little drowsy behind me I guess, but most definitely not fully out of it.

"Okay, just need to shower!"

He groaned into my neck at that just when she replied with an okay.

"Im still tired." He grumbled against my skin.

I brought my hand up and over my shoulder, running it through his thick hair and he moved closer to me, our bodies would practically be molded together if he kept on coming closer to me. "Too bad, get up, you can go sleep in your own bedroom."

He didn't say anything in return, running his hands up my body from where our hands were on my stomach, past the hem of his shirt I was wearing, sliding his palms up the curves of my body and that alone was coaxing me to stay in this bed with him.

He went up from my waist till my breasts, palming them before he kissed my neck again, rolling my nipples between his fingers, adding a little more pressure to the hardened peaks and I restrained a whimper as my head fell back on his chest, "Rhys." I said his name, somewhere between a scold and a moan.

"I thought we were gonna find out if I can get you to come this way?" He asked me, kissing the top of my ear softly, I felt my face grow warm, cheeks most probably reddening at the memory and I moved his hand away, very reluctantly too.

I wanted him to touch and kiss me, even if he shouldn't, but it was hard, hard knowing he would do anything to me if I really just asked him to.

"You're so warm." He murmured before he pressed a kiss down to my jaw side, continuing his way down to my neck, sucking my skin there and this time I whimpered.

His grip tightened on my waist at the sound, he hummed against my skin when my hips involuntarily swiveled back into his, satisfied with my bodies response to him, kissing away the sensation from the sucking on my neck and I felt my eyes flutter closed.

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