Chapter 57

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What do you do when your boyfriend hides the fact that you have another older brother who has been around you for almost a year now but was not allowed to tell you he was your brother because of said boyfriend? When you have a boyfriend who hides that your family was broken before they died? A boyfriend who knew so much yet kept it away from you for months?

You go and cry on your known brothers shoulder for an hour or two before you go down the road of staying locked in your bedroom for around three weeks with store bought doughnuts, wine and a crap load of pizza.

Or at least thats what I did.

It has been almost a month since I have spoken to Rhys.

I ignored his calls, texts, flowers and every single apology gift that just kept coming in bulk and I kept pushing them to the side of the room and continued with my life even thought I saw them everyday when I woke up and every evening before I went to sleep.

My room was practically a jewelry store now, and I basically owned things worth double of my net worth before our break up.

Yet all I did was was spend my time watching tv, huddling in a blanket as I read comic books and sometimes go to the bakery to bake but leave early, because if by the odd chance I did see him, i'd die.

Dramatic, I know. 

But as much as I didn't want to see him, I still missed him dearly.

Flowers, necklaces, bracelets, confections, comics were all sweet gifts and very expensive gifts at that but it wasn't going to fill the little hole that'd grown in my heart.

The only reason all the gifts felt like little nothings was because after that lie I couldn't see him do anything from the mere fact that he loved and genuinely wanted me back.

It just felt like a bunch of stupid lies.

And I hated it.

I hated the confusion, the ache, the longing, the want.

I hated every emotion I felt that was connected to Rhys because it made my mind go into overdrive.

I really missed him, but missing him wasn't enough for someone as stubborn as me, at least not yet, maybe I needed to stop breathing before I actually forgave him.

I wasn't willing to find out though.

"Dylan!" I hear Ambrose shout out from downstairs and I sigh, rolling over in my bed to get up and I walk to the door, opening it widely and leaning half my body out.


"More flowers!"

I tip my head back and groan.

"Please when you go to work tomorrow tell Rhys I said fuck him and all the stupid flowers!" I yell out from where I am and all I hear in return is some shuffling downstairs, some movement around till he walks back upstairs, walking over to me with the flowers in hand.

"A month is too long to avoid him, you need to talk to him." He says, passing me the gold box that had the pretty flowers in it and I look to it with a small stupid smile.

"Never." I say, the defiance clear in my tone, "He can do some more meaningless groveling for all I care, i'll just keep using the flowers for my bakery."

"You should open a pollen-less flower store at this point." He mumbles as he leans on the other side of the doorway, shaking his head at my room filled with unopened gifts and I huff, turning around and walking back into the room towards the bed, plopping the flowers down onto my bed side table.

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