Chapter 38

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"Is it just me or is lunch so much better when you're not supposed to be on lunch?" Kauai asked as we sat in one of the unused boardrooms, eating from our takeout boxes an hour after lunch had ended and I snorted.

I took the last bite of my wrap and froze mid chew. If actually did taste better than usual now that I think of it. Or maybe my head was messing with me.

"So why'd you bring us food? What are we celebrating?" Kiana asked and I rolled my eyes with a small smile, truth was i'd brought them cookies and cupcakes when there was nothing important going on, but food? That meant there was something up and they knew it.

"I've got my tenth wedding cake order!" I said with a grin and they gasped. "Thats great!"

Ten is a lot for a bakery that had only started up a few months ago in my opinion, business was good, really good, people came in floods everyday after work and sometimes before and some even during the day.

I'd had the most bigger orders for gender reveals, the least for wedding cakes but all around I was excited, most of my excitement because of what i'd said next, "And they invited me to their wedding."

Their own smiles widen.

"Thats really nice of them." Kauai said and I nodded. It was admittedly a big wedding, almost four hundred wedding guests, and because of that I was a little bit hesitant to take the order because it'd be a lot of work over the week, but the longer I thought about the more appealing it got, especially because the couple were actual embodiments of beautiful souls.

I mean hey, they were nice enough to invite me too. And of course I took up the offer with a smile because I really did like wedding food.

Now I was here to tell them why I was here, "and I can bring two guests so." I eyed them with narrowed gazes and they squealed in unison at what I was insinuating.

"Why're you guys so happy that im taking Jes and Rhys?" I fibbed and they stopped squealing.


I snorted. "Im kidding." 

"Oh thank goodness, those men have enough crap to go to anyway." Kiana mumbled in which Kauai nodded in agreement. "I'd rather they go to their crap and we can get all wedding cake and food."

In all honesty, I agreed too. I wanted to go with my friends and have some fun at a big lavish wedding since im pretty sure none of us were getting married anytime soon.

"When is it?"

"Saturday." I said and they nodded. "Color scheme?"

"Silver and red." I grinned with a wiggle of my brows and the gushed, Ki fanning herself, "Sexy."

"I know! Its all royal looking in a way."

They nodded in agreement as we stood up, looking to the time to see that it was 15 minutes to 3 in the afternoon which meant there would probably be some last minute meetings in here soon.

We walked out with their laptops in their bags, my purse consisting of nothing but a pen, my favorite notebook, lipgloss as well as my card, phone and a condom, you know, just the essentials.

I was on birth control but if I spontaneously wanted to have sex with a stranger I would definitely not let them enter me without protection, but I knew the condom was just a way of telling my mind to shut the hell up about Rhys and just get on with the world.

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