Chapter 15

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Some time later throughout the evening when I was far too tired to mingle or let alone stand up I sat down at a spot right at the back of the bakery alone.

Till suddenly a guy came up to me as he'd said to have noticed me silently eating one of the cupcakes all by myself, a cupcake that'd reminded me of Rhys all because it was the same flavored cupcake he probably didn't eat, let alone care enough to acknowledge.

I swallowed the remaining of the cupcake in my mouth, speaking to the guy in front of me and learning that his name was Declan.

He who had been either subtly flirting with me this entire time or was just extremely nice- more than Anakin was, and that lead to the exact moment when i'd remembered what Felix had said about going out with someone.

So here I was, actually listening to him the entire time and nodding and smiling as we sat together, his company was bearable which was a good sign in my opinion.

After sometime he asked that golden question, that every guy seemed to have in mind from the very beginning of the conversation.

"Could I get your number?" He asks me and I almost took a sharp intake of breath, I knew this'd happen but still, I wasn't really preparing myself for it.

Okay, I reminded myself, this was the time.

I nodded over at him, hoping it wasn't stiff and I gave him my number unlike when i'd let guys give me theres instead and then deleted the number off my phone only minutes after they'd left.

When I passed his phone back after putting my number into it I briefly looked over his shoulder, noticing the door open just to see my brother- and Rhys, walk in together.

Slowly my eyes moved from Ambrose and I blinked at Rhys who'd looked blankly over at everything, starting from one end to the other, his eyes wondering over the place and people till they finally found mine and came to a stop.

I smiled at him.

I got nothing in return.

I looked back to Declan with that little hint of a feeling I couldn't quite decipher lingering in my chest.

When I smiled at Declan, he smiled too.

"It was really nice meeting you." I say as we stand up, being a hugger I'd automatically went in for a hug before I could even so much as think and stop myself.

But all was fine, because thank my lucky stars it wasn't as awkward as I thought it'd be, he'd reciprocated it fully and hugged me back.

We then spoke a little, last few goodbyes before he left the bakery and I went over to my brother, i'd noticed the two walked to the back moments ago, probably not wanting to be amidst everyone and when I got there I saw my brother leaning on the counter, eating ice cream.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Seriously bruv?"

I swear I saw Rhys lip twitch into a smirk my eyes almost widened, i've never seen an expression other than boredom on this mans face.

"Did you just call him that?"

"Call him what?" I asked Rhys as I passed by him and got to my brothers side.

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