Chapter 23

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"You dyed your hair again?" My brother asked me when he walked into the house almost like it wasn't blatantly obvious that I did.

A bucket of popcorn was nestled between my thighs on top of the thick red colored blanket i'd brought downstairs and I looked away from the tv screen and to him with a quirk of a brow.

"Yep." I replied happily, popping the p.

Since it was a Friday today I had nothing else to do when I closed early after work, so I came home and dyed my hair to a dark brown color that almost looked black in certain lighting, my entire head was this color now and I thought it was fairly cute, neutral and different for me but still cute.

"Im surprised your hair isn't falling off at this rate."

I shrugged, "Honestly, I was kinda shocked too, but I think its because I wait a few weeks before I color it."

He hummed as he closed the door behind him, yawning when he walked over and snatched my bucket of popcorn from me, falling back on the couch with a soft grunt.

"When'd you meet the Blackburn soccer team?"

I almost snorted at the nickname he had for the siblings even if it wasn't actually correct since there was 8 of them and a soccer team was 11 people, "A few days ago, why?" I questioned, taking a swig of water from my bottle and he passed me the popcorn bucket again after taking a handful of it.

"Its Florence's birthday tomorrow."

"Sounds fun." I said, unsure where this was going and he nodded even if he didn't look like he'd agreed. "Shes turning 28, so her husbands throwing her a surprise party, Luxe said I should ask you to come too, its nothing big, or well at least I think its not."

"Are you going?"

He scoffed as if it were obvious, "She's like a sister to me."

"Gee thanks."

He slapped my head and I pouted lightly, rubbing the spot with a small grin but roll of my eyes. "Is Florence the oldest?"

"Adair is."

"Who's the youngest?"


"This is all too confusing." I mumbled with a shake of my head and he snorted as he leaned closer to get the bucket of popcorn back to him before sitting back on the couch.

"I can explain it but you'll probably still be confused at the end."

"Better than nothing." I shrugged and he nodded in agreement, dusting his hands over his pants before he cleared his throat and started from the very start of the family tree. 

"Theres three mothers, Loretta is the first, Elizabeth was the second and Mina is the current wife."

I nodded slowly.

"Loretta is Adair, Florence and Lila's mom, Adair is 29, Florence is gonna be 28 and Lila is 26."

Okay, that was easy enough. 

"Who's Rhys's mom?"


Oh wow.

"I was getting to that."

I rolled my eyes but sat back and let him finish his explanation.

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