Chapter 10

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"You didn't have to come in with me, you know that, right?" I asked Felix as he hovered beside me, watching as I looked at the large abstract art paintings on the wall, placing a few of the coffee, tea and sugar paintings.

It just looked cute.

We were getting stuff for the walls for the bakery since i'd noticed that they were quite dull compared to the rest of the place.

The pastel colors of everything I bought were quite pleasing to looking at, it made the place colorful and too appealing, not too much but just enough, so the bakery didn't need anymore color, just something to add on to it, which is why I was buying black and white abstract art paintings to pull it all together.

I hadn't told my brother i'd be coming here because he'd give me his card and force me to use it, but I had my own money, I was capable of paying for somethings even if he chose to ignore that little fact.

When my parents had died i'd inherited around 75 percent of everything they'd owned and had enough money saved.

I still got a lot, including the house they'd lived in and excluding the car which Ambrose got, as well as the other 25 percent.

When I found out I honestly thought it was wrong, or well unfair and called up Ambrose to clear it up and give him 25 percent just for him to tell me he was the person who asked our parents to change it to 75 for me and 25 for him when he was only 14. In my opinion, my parents were absolutely insane for listening to the 14 year old boy.

I was surprised too because once upon a time, we had absolutely no bond whatsoever when we were younger, we fought a lot like of kids usually did but we didn't play around like other kids did either, we fought and stayed away from one another for the rest of the week till we forgot, but it didn't matter if we forgot or not because we weren't close anyway.

Some days when I was bored and had nothing to do or think about i'd wondered if Ambrose and I would've still been close if our parents hadn't died nine years ago.

But before I could stray to that dark lonely place i'd made for myself I stopped, set a smile on my face and ignored it. I'd read somewhere that if you smiled more often, even if you weren't exactly happy, you could trick your brain into thinking you are happy.

Sad, I know, but it can come in handy on the odd day I suppose.

"Its much more boring in the car."

"So you picked the lesser of two borings?" I asked him, which he had the audacity to nod back at. Pinching his elbow I moved around him, sticking my tongue out like a kid which didn't defend my case of not being a child.

But suddenly I collided with someone and almost fell backwards into Felix before his hands shot out to stabilize me by my elbows.

My eyes went wide at the fact that I bumped into someone and I cleared my throat as I moved forward. "So sorry." I mumbled as I looked up to the guy, sending an awkward thumbs up that made me wanna slap myself.

But I ignored it and was about to walk away, but not before he tugged my sleeve and I turned back with a raise of my brow.

"Uh- you're really pretty, can I get your number?"

I blinked.

Slowly with a lot of thought put in I smiled timidly, nodded once and I showed him my phone screen. "You can give me yours."

After I got the guys number who i'd learned was named Brad- i'd took the shopping cart and took the paintings I wanted over to the checkout using the card with the money i'd saved and walked out with Felix beside me.

We saw a smoothie place and I grinned mischievously at him, in which he rolled his eyes knowingly at but we ended up going to get smoothies anyway.

The fact that he bought a water and not a smoothie was absolutely horrendous but I let it go and got myself a berry blast smoothie with coconut shavings, my usual.

As we walked out the smoothie store and over to his car in the parking lot I took my phone out my pocket, suddenly remembering the guy and his number and deleting it before shoving my phone back into my pocket.

A nudge to my shoulder made me look to Felix on my side and he rose a brow. "Why'd you let him give you his number if you were gonna just delete it?" He questioned me and I shrugged.

"At first I thought about it but I don't really want to date again, men kinda suck." I side eyed him. "No offense."

He shrugged. "Non taken, I kinda agree."

I grinned and shook my head lightly as we got into the car.

"My ex was an asshole and he cheated on me with one of my friends." I admitted and he hissed, shaking his head at the thought of it. "That's shitty."

"Quite." I replied, pulling my seatbelt over my body and leaning back on the seat when hearing the click. "This was like three weeks ago by the way."

He looked to me, a little wide eyed as he put his own seatbelt on. "Seriously?"

I nodded, a small smile playing on my lips.

Felix and I had became closer, our relationship completely platonic but our friendship was blossoming into one I really liked, I enjoyed having more friends than I could actually talk to- I guess I wanted to always have someone there.

But then again, one of my own friends stabbed right me in my back, but it wasn't just her fault, it was both Michaels and Miranda's.

I bit at the inside of my cheek before I admitted, "Sometimes I feel bad that I wasn't that sad."

"You probably didn't like him as much as you thought you did Calliope."

I nodded. "True, I didn't actually." I told him with a shrug and he nodded beside me till suddenly he spoke again, "Maybe you should try dating again though."

I looked to him with a raise of my brow. "Im not into you Felix." I teased knowingly and he grimaced as he punched my arm causing me to giggle lightly.

"I didn't mean me idiot, I meant like- use a dating app or whatever, or make friends do something, you've been in Miami and your little British ass just stays at your house baking with the exception of going out for your bakery- you're basically a housewife without a husband."

I gasped. "I am not!" Not that being a housewife wasn't cool but I didn't want to be considered housewife without a husband. What was that even? Was I just a house woman- or something?

"I beg to differ."

"Bloody hell, cut it with the begging we're friends Petrov."

"Im gonna leave you on the side of the road Sweeney."

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