Chapter 11

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Looking for employees was actually not as hard as I thought it would be, not because as soon as I put the posters up people started flooding in, but instead because my brother had told a few of his employees, who then told more of their own co-workers, and it continued till it reached the ears of their families and friends and so forth.

Which is why I was standing in his office with fresh baked vanilla almond cupcakes with a Nutella center and a glare on my face, the cupcakes as a thank you but the glare as a, seriously, why are you always helping me?

I set the container filled with sweetness down onto the table top and he chuckled as he took it.

"Im very mad."

"You have two pig tails and you're standing in my office with a glare, Dyl you look like an angry thirteen year old right now."

"I was baking so I put my hair up like this!" I defended uselessly for the sake of my two loose pigtails little hints of dignity remaining, swinging them side to side for emphasis just for my medium sized hoops to swing a little too. 

He took a cupcake and nodded, sending me a thumbs up, just about to take the whole container when I grabbed it again and he rose a brow, "Why're you taking my cupcakes?"

"Theres one more for you, but the other two isn't for you, its for Rhys, its a thank you for helping with bakery set up from me to both of you." I said with a casual roll of my eyes as if it was obvious. He mimicked the roll of my eyes before he spoke, "He wouldn't care if I took his share, but no problem."

I scoffed and flipped him off with one hand as I sat down on the chair behind me, he began doing some work on his computer, eating the cupcake simultaneously and humming. He was thankfully in a good mood, which meant he wasn't overworking himself.

I smiled as I set the other cupcake down on the table for him.

My brother was a lot like my father had been- always overworking themselves, the only major difference is that my father had an average paying job, and my brother on the other hand was a millionaire if not billionaire.

I was a proud sister but I wouldn't say that aloud because this idiot would probably tattoo it to my forehead when im asleep.

I sighed a few times and he still didn't pay attention to me.

"So let me tell you what im doing tomorr-"

"You need friends." He said before I could finish my sentence and almost immediately my grin dropped into a frown.

I had friends.

I had Spencer and my friends back in London. But, this was not London, I reminded myself and sank further down into the seat.

"Thats what Felix said- and hey wait, Felix is my friend!"

"Felix is also your driver."

"Which might I add, I do not need." I said with a raise of both my brows which he'd blatantly ignored, only taking a second to look at me to acknowledge he'd heard my sentence before looking back to the computer in front of him.

Oh well, I wouldn't get Felix out the job by continuing to force him to let me drive and truthfully I didn't mind not driving that much, its just a little adjustment even thought I liked Felix's company.

"By the way, can I use one of your cars?"

He nodded.

I blinked.

"Wait seriously?"

He shrugged. "If Felix is busy back here then yeah, I don't expect you to go everywhere with him, you know that right?"

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