Chapter 27

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"What're you doing in here?" Rhys asked me and I shrugged, taking my heels off of my feet as I sat in the backseat of the Rolls Royce.

After saying goodbye to Kiana and Kauai I walked over to this car politely asking the Blackburn's driver to get inside it because I was exhausted and he let me.

"I got tired." I told him and he nodded in understanding but not before he held up two bottles and I blinked over at it.

"Does it taste any good?"

He shrugged, past me one bottle and I took it, opening the seal and chugging some down, he took the bottle away from my hands just as he closed the car door behind him, getting in the spacious backseat with me.

"Okay that's probably enough for the entire night Calli." He mumbled and I pouted, my bottom lip pouring out and he rolled his eyes, letting them settle down on my lips.

He wiped the red liquid that dripped down my chin and I stared up at him till he looked back up to me, clearing his throat and passed me the bottle once again.

"You're gonna hate me tomorrow when you have the shittiest hangover."

"I could never hate you." I told him jokingly as I winked at him but he only shook his head, biting at the inside of his cheek as he took the other bottle of alcohol, opened it and drank from it.

I watched as his Adams apple bobbed, once, then twice, and then he settled the bottle down to his lap, wiping his lips and I looked ahead to the front where the privacy screen was.

"My body is killing me." I admitted as I wiped my eyes, stopping before I messed with my eyeliner, leaning my head back against the seat as I took another drink of the alcohol, he did too from beside me.

When I popped the alcohol bottle out my parted lips I looked to him beside me.

"Is everyone still inside?"

"Hugo and Frankie left."

I nodded, letting the silence envelope us again, it wasn't uncomfortable which was a good sign.

He drank again from his bottle, some of the red liquid leaked from his lips and he was about to wipe it when I did instead.

His eyes found mine when I leaned back against the seat, licking my thumb of the wine and I couldn't tell what he was thinking in that moment as he watched me with a look that made my insides flip.

"What're you thinking about?" I asked softly and if I wasn't mistaken he took a big gulp, his adams apple bobbing a clear indication of it, "Nothing important."

I nodded.

"What're you thinking about?" He asked me softly and this time I swallowed too before mumbling, "I don't think we should speak about it."

"Why?" He asked. "We've gotten closer, haven't we?"

"Have we?" I asked, hating how obvious my curiosity was.

He nodded.

And we stared at one another.

"I like being close to you, Rhys." I admitted, not meaning it to sound the way it did but the way his eyes darkened made me not want to take it back.

So I didn't.


I nodded, pulling my bottom lip into my mouth as I took a sweeping look at him, "Yeah."

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