Chapter 49

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I didn't usually wear black as a focal point but here I was in an all black dress with cute silver hoop earrings in hand that matched my bracelets around my wrists and my hair tied up into the neatest ballerina bun i'd ever done.

I sighed and walked over to the bathroom, getting ready to put my earrings in which was the last thing I had to do before I changed and I thought back to the dress that laid on the bed in a hanger, remembering the price too and almost choking on air itself.

All together he'd spent about fifteen thousand dollars on me, just for clothes that I looked at too long and he saw and bought it for me, and by the end of today I had no idea if I was ready to kill him or get on my knees for him.

Maybe both.

But still even now it made my hands shake because that was quite literally someones three month salary there.

My thoughts and inner turmoil was calmed when he knocked on the bathroom door and I looked to my right and over to him, almost fainting because he was also using all black and he looked absolutely delectable.

"You look nice." That was the understatement of the fucking year.

He was too busy eyeing me since I was in nothing but a robe but I was very evidently not going to be dropping it for any other activities right now.

"Thank you." He says, his eyes only now meeting mine and I smile, rolling my eyes as he leaned down and kissed my lips softly.

My eyes flutter closed, and I almost deepen the kiss as my arm snakes around the back of his neck and I let my lips part against his own, feeling his tongue tease over the seam of my bottom but I remember my lipstick and I pull back, glaring at him as if I wasn't the one who'd pulled him closer.

"Lipstick Rhys." I scold playfully, wiping his lips of my nude lipstick before I reapply some on my lips but he doesn't seem to care, he just watches me till I'm done with my makeup and my earrings are dangling from my ears.

I turn back when i'm done, "Should I put my hair down?"

"If you want to."

I roll my eyes, "You're too supportive, be rude and picky." I joke as I walk out the bathroom and he follows behind me, "Keep it up then."

"See? Horrible pernickety behavior, thank you."

He snorts, "Yeah, okay Calli."

I smile, getting my dress from the bed to put it on but before I do he turns me around and gently pushes me to sit down on the edge of the bed by my shoulders and I blink.

He looked down to my feet which were uncovered before he looked to me and I rose a brow before I wiggle my newly painted toes. "Problem?"

Then he got down to one knee and my eyes widened.

"Are you proposing to me?" I choke out, more so squeaked and he rolled his eyes. "Im not proposing and now I don't think i'll ever propose." He mumbles out and I blush a little embarrassed for assuming that was what he was doing.

"You're just being dramatic Rhysie."

He raises a brow at that before he took out a square sized bracelet box from his pocket, and when he opens it, I see an anklet.

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