Chapter 61

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The rest of the night we'd spent eating but i'd also spent it rambling on about literally everything, which is why we only got home at 12am and I yawn softly before I look to him.

"You tired?" I ask him as I walk over to his bedroom door, opening it with him beside me and he looks to me, eyeing me, wondering what my motives were for asking that, especially since I hadn't walked to my bedroom and here I was in his.


I don't reply, just nod, walking further in the bedroom, getting all of my makeup items from the floor before putting it back in its respecting places in its bag.

He sits on the edge of the bed, watching me do that for a few minutes before I zip the bag, turning around, putting the bag down to the bed beside him.

And I get closer to him.

I don't talk. Not wanting my mind to catch up with my actions.

I slide my hands down his shoulders, behind his neck and he tips his head back a little to look at me, his body was tense but starts loosening against my touch, his eyes softening but darkening the longer he looks at me.

He always was this way, just like ice, but he melted for me every single time.

I lean down, kissing across his his jaw softly, his hands coming up to my waist before I pepper the kisses all the way to his lips.

Our lips barely touch, merely dragging over before I give in.

Just one kiss.

I kiss him softly, and he kisses me back, even if he lets me take control of the kiss.

My lips move slowly over his own, my tongue teasing his bottom lip before I slide it past his lips and his hold on me tightens and he pulls me closer, his tongue sliding over against mine and I feel a whimper leave my lips.

I cup his jaw when the kiss grows more heated, his hands sliding down from my waist to my behind, past the bottom of my skirt and down to my thighs.

He grabs me there, puling me closer to him, making me get closer between his legs till my knees touch the mattress, just before sliding his hands beneath the skirt and he finally touches me... there.

He slides two fingers over my dampness and I feel my lips part.

I think I just came little.

I move back and away from him, his hands still on me and I pull my bottom lip into my mouth, moving away till he has no choice but to drop his hands away from me.

I smile at him, turning around to go to my room and I know he gets up and he's most definitely following me.

"How was it?" I knew it.

"How was what?" I ask him innocently, opening the room door and walking to the bed, falling back and laying down till I prop myself up on my elbow, legs crossed.

He stands in the doorway, leaning on the door side.

He raises a brow, "Tonight."

I shrug with a small smile, "It was fun, thank you."

He hums, his eyes running over my body in a way that gets me more hot and bothered than I already am.

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