Chapter 28

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The first thing I did after completely ignoring what had happened between Rhys and I in the backseat of the car, was go home, then sleep and then proceed to continue to avoid him for almost a week straight.

But what I did on Wednesday morning was curse my brother for inviting me to a work function of his, along with Kiana but not Kauai since she had to babysit that night.

So Kiana would be coming too, and of course she would be working some of the time but we'd all still be enjoying ourselves when she wasn't.

So of course I said yes.

The only thing is that I knew who was gonna be there on Saturday as well, and I wasn't stupid, I knew I couldn't avoid him forever, not even if I moved back to London and hid away under Spencer's bed.

It wouldn't change that we did- what we did, in that damned car.

So now I was here, walking out the elevator, wondering if it would be weird if I still asked Mikel if Rhys was too busy to see me or if I could go into his office when i'd practically had my tongue down his throat.

No? I hope not.

In any case, Mikel let me in, not before discreetly flirting with me and I kinda felt bad for him, specifically because his boss would probably never let him get within 5 feet of me.

I walked to the door, standing still there for a second, contemplating if I should do this.

Forcing myself not to overthink this I opened the door and looked to my brothers best friend who was busy with his work.

And here I was, holding a box that had his favorite cheesecake in it like I did almost every week, except that now Rhys and I weren't exactly in the same circumstances as we were before his sisters party.

Sighing softly I walked closer after closing the door behind me, walking over to the desk and I placed the box down on it.

He blinked at it till his eyes ran from my hands, over my arms and up to my face, stopping there.

I smiled at him before looking down to his papers too, underestimating how warm my body would feel and just how horrified i'd feel right now when he was staring right at me.

"Are you busy?"

"Not really."

He was. When was he not?

I looked to the chair before I cleared my throat, instead of sitting there I settled for going over to the couch because it all felt too formal to have this little talk with a desk separating us.

He took the hint and walked over to sit beside me, a little too close since our knees knocked when he sat down and so I moved up a little to the opposite side of the couch before I looked over to him.

He stared at me like he was dissecting me.

The reminder of my body being on complete display to him nights ago ran through my brain now causing me to flush, suddenly i'd wished i'd used hundreds of layers of clothes to wipe away his memory of my nakedness.

"Im really sorry about kissing you." I blurted out, and I think my eyes widened a little as soon as the words left my mouth.

It was quiet for a second, eerily quiet so I continued. "I was drunk and horny and- oh my fucking goodness that sounded so wrong, what I mean is it just happened in the moment and I just- well im really sorry Rhys." I mumbled out the last bit, hating my little rambling episode and he blinked at me when I was done.

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