Chapter 8

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When we got to the bakery i'd unlocked it and started unpacking alongside Felix.

Sometimes getting distracted by the herds of people walking around outside the bakery, some on the beach and some on the pier merely looking out to it, some swimming and some just walking around, soaking in the sun.

Buying things and holding ice creams in hand, it was a fairly warm Saturday evening and I regretted using a pair of leggings and a jacket because of the sheer heat itself.

I peeled my jacket off around ten minutes in, placing it on the counter as I set my black halter neck top.

On of my two thin matching silver bracelets on my wrists slipped off at the action and I cursed beneath my breath as I got to my knees and retrieved it from beneath one of the many circular white tables the previous owners had left in the place, inwardly, I wondered why they hadn't taken it out.

"What're you doing under there?" A fairly familiar voice asked and I jumped at the suddenness, a shrill squeak falling from my lips when the back of my head hit the underneath of the table.

I moved back out from beneath the table and turned around, sat down on my ass and glared up at the man who'd caused me to knock my head, rubbing the spot and he seemed to watch me with a bored expression.

"I was getting my bracelet." I showed the bracelet off as I slipped it over my hand and onto my wrist again. "And you scared me." I hissed softly and he rolled his pretty eyes at me, holding a hand out to help me up but I swatted it away before I got up to my feet, dusting myself of nonexistent dust since i'd swept the place yesterday.

My brother came in soon after, always freaking late.

He looked to me with a grin.

I'd only now taken notice that both guys were in casual clothes, not suits and I eyed them. Yes, it was Saturday, but even if i'd only been here for a little over a week it seemed unusual for these two not to be working.

"What're you doing here?"

"We wanted to help you." My brother said as he dropped the box in his hands down onto a table top close to him. I rose a brow, letting my eyes find Rhys's but my words were directed to my brother.

"We?" I asked, a little surprised that Rhys would voluntarily help me, especially since we weren't really the best of friends- or friends at all, point blank.

I'd seen him once this week, excluding today and the day i'd met him.

Which consisted of me smiling as a way of greeting as I walked to my brothers office and him blinking back at me, a curt nod and he walked past me without any other forms of interaction.

I wasn't really surprised though.

"Yeah?" My brother spoke before Rhys said, "I was forced."

I clicked my tongue at the roof of my mouth in realization. Of course he was.

Rhys and my brother were best friends since my brother started high school, which is practically 10 years of friendship between the two, it wasn't surprising that he'd just gave in and decided to help his best friends little sister, even if he didn't really like her, her- as in me.

I shrugged the thought away and went back outside, retrieving another box and bumping my hip with Felix's who'd pinched me discreetly at my elbow causing me to feign a barely audible gasp, "I thought you said you can't do that!"

"You asked for it kiddo." He replied, tapping at the top of my head the same way my brother usually did as he passed by me with a box that was twice as big as the one in my scrawny arms.

I looked to the noodles I called arms and huffed, continuing my way inside and placing the rest of everything inside, passing by my brother sometime, making comments on how small the boxes he was carrying were, and he blinked at me, looking equally annoyed and amused.

Whenever I passed by Rhys I made sure to look away, already feeling like I was crossing a line by looking at him which was weird on my part.

We continued this way for another half an hour maybe, walking in and out of the place, and when i'd noticed girls start to stare at the guys helping me and proceed to glance at me with a hint of jealousy I'd almost debated telling them that none of them were mine or anyone else's and they could have a go, like seriously, but I chose against it since if that wasn't the case it'd be kinda awkward.

So I just continued till it was a quarter past 4, which meant that Felix would leave in 15 minutes.

"I don't want to have to come in tomorrow." I looked up to my brother beside me as I spoke, the guy playing with his water bottle cap. I still had to place everything into their rightful places in here which was probably gonna take more time than just getting it out the car.

"We can help you unpack the other stuff too."

He shot a look to Rhys on the other side of me, Rhys who was drinking from his water bottle and he'd rolled his eyes but shrugged, closing the bottle with the cap.

"Is that an okay?"

He looked down to me at me when i'd spoke and sent a small nod at me causing me to slowly grin, his eyes began scanning my face from the bottom of my chin to my forehead, finally settling on my eyes again, but he didn't smile back within that time, he just stared at me.

I broke gazes first, realizing Felix would have to leave and pushed off the counter we'd been leaning on. "I'll be back." I announced softly, opening the door and going outside to find him on his phone, leaning on the car.

"Why're you slacking on the job Petrov?" I asked with a playful glare which he'd snorted at, pushing his phone into his back pocket.

I'd grinned and held a hand out for him to shake which he'd looked at a little skeptically. "Did you put something in your hand?"

"Of course not, i'd never!"

"I really doubt that you'd never do such a thing."

That made me shake my head and he took my hand in his and shook it, "Thanks for helping me."

"Its my job to help you, Calliope."

"Blah, blah, words, words, just take my thanks and go home." I said, taking my hand out from his and sending a soft pat to his shoulder.

He did take it and opened the door behind him, just about to close it when he got in and I stopped him as a little question crossed my mind, "Wait!"

He did and he looked to me with a raise of a brow. "If im a kid how old are you?" I asked, narrowing my gaze on his face and he snorted at my curiosity, "Im twenty nine Calliope."

"Damn that is old." I teased which he'd replied back with a flick of his finger, flipping me off causing me to laugh.

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