Chapter 14

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It was finally the bakery's opening party.

Which only started at around 12pm which is why I'd woke up early, not only because I was an early bird but instead because i'd booked an appointment at the salon close by in a mall i'd passed by numerous times now.

Yesterday when i'd woken up i'd not so spontaneously decided I wanted to dye my hair, a usual occurrence for me before I actually dyed my hair.

So now today I got there at around 9 having drove myself, a little excited and a tad bit scared too since I didn't really have a plan for what I wanted to do with my hair, but nonetheless, I was excited.

Since I still wanted to keep my platinum blonde hair incorporated into my hair at the moment i'd pointed that out to the hair stylists.

Two sweet women spoke to me about colors and soon we decided to have dyed some parts black, most of my platinum blonde hair beneath the long black strands and when I saw it, I instantly loved it.

It was the perfect balance between the two contrasting colors and even made me look a little more mature than before, especially when it was curled all fancily.

I'd left the salon with a beaming grin on my face which wasn't that surprising, the hair on my head done in loose curls that lead down to my lower back, except for my bangs which they'd trimmed a little and straightened.

I was absolutely ecstatic as i'd made my way home to get my dress on.

My brother wasn't home since he'd said he'd only come later, maybe at around 2 after work which I was fine with.

I think it was gonna end at around 4 or 5 which was the proper time for everyone to leave since it'd get later and its just a bakery, not a night club.

Plus, I didn't mind really Ambrose not coming as early as everyone else since I knew he'd definitely get bored being there for any longer than 2 hours, he'd probably devour everything he wanted to in an hour tops anyway.

When I got into my bedroom I put my dress on, did my makeup too, spending longer than i'd like to admit on my winged eye liner and raced out the house when i'd finally got both eyes to look like sisters and not distant relatives.

I'd locked the house hastily behind me, trying not to fall flat on my face as I ran over to the car i'd been using for the odd errands i'd ran lately.

I'd began driving myself over to the bakery at a speed which was probably illegal but I ignored that factor, hopefully this seatbelt and the big man upstairs were watching over me right now.

Thankfully I got to the bakery in one piece.

Somehow I was already tired though, probably because of all the adrenaline coursing through my body since i'd woken up, but even so now I was still excited.

I was around half an hour early and ready to begin to set up the last bits here and there since most of it was done yesterday.

But as soon as I got out the car and walked away from the parking lot and over to the bakery I saw Kauai and Kiana.

As well as all five of my employees in matching black and white outfits and I smiled even more as I watched ever set the last bits up here and there.

Emilia and Anakin were busy placing the baked foods out into various dishes and Henri, Mckay and Effy were setting an ice cream bar up, making sure the freezer inside of it was working so nothing would melt.

Kiana and Kauai outside setting out the cute decorated signs properly, also looking around at the inside every few seconds, probably anxious about everything but they had nothing to be anxious about because everything honestly looked really good in my opinion.

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