Chapter 60

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Valentines day was the day of love, a day spent with your significant other, your boyfriend, girlfriend, sometimes friends if you're all not dating anyone at the time.

Its a cute day, and so of course like anything cute, I loved Valentines day too.

The gifts, chocolates, baking, hearts, the color red.

I liked it all, the admiration, the love, the yearn, the friendship.

It was truthfully my third favorite day of the year, apart from Christmas and my birthday of course, I loved the concept of life being celebrated, that being here on Earth another year is celebrated. Which it should be.

But unlike most people, I lived with my ex. So in my head, i'd assumed spending valentines day in my ex's house was bound to be a little... weird.

Which is why I had planned to be out the house at the bakery till maybe 10pm just to make sure i'd avoided him the entire night.

But to avoid him the entire night, i'd have to see him in the morning.

So I was walking downstairs now, still in my long pink and red hearted pajama pants and white singlet, having only brushed my teeth and washed my face before I decided I was hungry.

And I was actually surprised that he was awake this early too, since I was usually awake around an hour before him almost everyday.

He was on his phone now, and I look to him, cheeks warm, definitely a blushing mess because it was freaking Valentines day but I don't say anything about it, I don't even mention the day at all to him.

"Morning Rhysie cup, you're up very early." I tease him lightly, not being able to shut my damn mouth from the nerves, walking to the counter but he only hums in response which makes me want to cringe a little.

Maybe I should've just kept quiet.

But as soon soon as I walk around the counter, the last thing I expected to see was a red convertible Ferrari California in the driveway through the window above the gas stove.

I actually stand there and stare at it for a moment.

Till a thought hits me and my eyes widen into the size of saucers.

And I think I gasped softly.

My favorite car.

Is in the fucking driveway.

And its freaking red!

With my eyes wide and jaw still practically hanging down on the floor I make my way over to the couch, standing in front of him and he looks up to me, blinking a few times as he slowly eyes me head to toe, his lips twitching at the ends as he looks to the valentines theme pj pants I was wearing.

"Your hair is pink." He states it like thats what I wanted to hear from him.

Indeed it was, it was pastel pink and currently in a low messy ponytail from sleeping and then redoing it without combing it first.

I dyed it a pale pink color last night, a little too deep into the Valentines day spirit.

But thats not the most important thing right now.

"Theres- yo- theres a car outside- it-" I take a moment to gather my thoughts. "What the hell?" I ask instead, not wanting to ramble and not exactly knowing what else to say and he raises a brow, putting his phone down on the coach beside him.

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