Chapter 12

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Hiring people was actually much more fun than i'd expected.

When i'd told my brother that when he got back from work he'd just snorted, tapped the back of my head and asked me if I had any cupcakes left from almost two days ago.

Most days I wondered if Ambrose was just letting me stay with him because he wanted baked goods everyday, but then again that wasn't the best bargain on his part, all the baked goods couldn't have been that good.

"Im ready to open the bakery." I told Ambrose honestly as I sipped on my smoothie, the two of us eating dinner, me on the floor because i'd gotten a blow up mattress for the lounge area.

Just because I wanted one, it was actually really convenient when watching movies too, I could just end up sleeping here instead of groggily making my way upstairs to get to bed.

And now he was on the couch, the two of us watching the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and he took a sip of his beer, yes, on a Wednesday night, before he replied, "Really?"

I nodded.

I had every single thing I needed, the place was setup and I had all the goods to start my bakery journey. I had exactly five employees so far which was a fairly good amount, two guys and three girls, Anakin- not Walker, McKay, Emilia, Henrietta who preferred being called Henri and Effy not Stonem.

Emilia and Anakin were the two who'd help me with baking, Anakin 23 and Emilia 24, both with their culinary qualifications and some prior experience.

Then there was Mckay and Effy, the brother and sister who reminded me of my brother and I. Effy was 20 years old and McKay was 18 turning 19 soon, I decided that the two would be alternating with the register and waitering, I didn't real mind what they chose to do between one another. 

And lastly was Henrietta who was 21, she who was a steady waitress, she was kinda the funniest too, reminding me a lot of Spencer in some ways and I think that had kinda played a part of little favoritism with her personality and that was why I hired her.

"So are you gonna have an opening party?" Ambrose asked me as he ate the chicken parm i'd made not too long ago, taking a forkful of fettuccine as well and shoving it in his dumb face.

I called his face dumb because I hadn't at all thought of an opening party. So my food was hanging out my mouth at that, a few thoughts running through my head, such as, how the hell did I not think of that?

"Was I supposed to have one?" I asked him before pressing my lips into a firm line.

He slurped the last bit of his food and facepalmed with his other hand causing me to groan too, "I didn't think about it, okay?"

"I see that."

I sent him the finger discreetly which he didn't care to even so much as acknowledge, just settled on shaking his head at me.

"I think you should have one though, it'll help business."


"Saturday? Maybe."

I blinked. Today was Wednesday.

We'd have such a small amount of time to plan if I did actually have one, and I didn't want to be any more of an inconvenience than I already began to feel like.

"I don't know."

He rolled his eyes, "Its not that bad, like its not too much work, I can get the twins to help as well, they like that kinda stuff."

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